Monthly Archives: October 2008

Contest 30 Winner

I am happy to announce that the winner of Caption Contest 30 is ... Rick!


Rick is now a two-time winner, so big props to him for that. His previous prize was Emissary, so I know his new black and white custom illustration will be something cool, too.

Many thanks to everyone for the great entries, particularly these Honorable Mentions:

  • John D: Cry Havoc! Let slip the Poops of War!
  • Fishpants: Quick, get Bananakin’s the attack of the clowns!
  • Danny Beaty: That’s evolution?
  • jasper: Cry slapstick and let loose the pies of war!
  • Frankie: “Get your stinking paws on him. You damn, dirty apes!”

Check back later today for a new Caption Contest and your chance to win your own custom black and white illustration!

Random Panel: Taking the whole "Where's Waldo" thing a bit too far


Retroview: Black Dragon

In 1985, Marvel (through their mature-audience "Epic Comics" line) published a six-issue limited series written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by John Bolton titled "The Black Dragon". A "historic fantasy" set in medieval Europe, it was an unusual offering in a super-hero-crowded market. Claremont himself, of course, was best known as the genius behind the enormously successful "Uncanny X-Men", and has likely been responsible for more comics sold than any other individual in history.

On his web site, Claremont says that he is "especially proud" of his creator-owned "The Black Dragon", so when I encountered several issues of it in the Great Random Comics Pile, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at why that might be.

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Random Panel: Believe it, Mustache Boy


Poll Position: Rogues Gallery

The question of the week this time is:


Discussion after the jump.

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Random Panel: Apparently pit-webs are quite the turn-on


(Hat tip to SuperDickery.)

Patriot Contest Prize: Kaldath and Salara

Thanks to extraordinarily quick response times from Kaldath and great reference photos, I am happy to present the winning prize for the Patriot Hero contest:


Many thanks to everyone who entered, and to Kaldath for a fun and interesting character concept to design around. He has the HeroMachine versions of Salara and Kaldath available online, if you want to see what they looked like coming out of the program.

Congratulations again to Kaldath, and I hope you all enjoy seeing his concepts in color. Don't forget, your chance to win your very own black and white custom illustration is going on now thanks to the weekly HeroMachine Caption Contest, so head on over and try your luck!

And as a bonus, here's a close-up of Salara:


Random Panel: … by sharpest clock, no evil shall escape my …


(Hat tip to SuperDickery.)

It was the ocean, I was ALONE …

The combination of pirates, the hurtling-into-the-sea second guy, and the gigantic pole in the background combined with the use of the onomontoPOWia "PUD!" in this panel:


contractually require me to make the following joke:

"Now that's what I call pounding the pud!"

Thus proving my high school motto: "You're only young once, but you can be immature for the rest of your life."

Random Panel: Sentences you never want to hear
