Category Archives: Sketch of the Day

30 Characters Challenge #27: Earl Gray Hulk, Hot.

Earl Gray Hulk, Hot. (Double nerd reference.)

30 Characters Challenge #26: Aphid

"My aphid senses are tingling! Even at the size of an insect I can handle whatever it might be, bring it -- " SQUISH!!

30 Characters Challenge #25: Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad

Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad can use the power of his mind to change the phenotype of any living organism at will.

30 Characters Challenge #24: Gears

Gears fixes stuff. Men are not stuff, so if you're a broken man and you're looking for a woman to fix you -- keep looking. But leave the keys to your car.

30 Characters Challenge #23: Grandag

Finally making it to Broadway wasn't as satisfying as Grandag had dreamed.

30 Characters Challenge #22: Arrius Septimius

30 Characters Challenge #20: Pony Girl

Pony Girl is a character from Ian T. Healy's Just Cause Universe super-hero novel "Day of the Destroyer". I'm working on a cover for him that will feature her and another main character in a perilous situation and this is the study I did to get the outfit and general appearance right. She's a super-speedster from the 1970s.

30 Characters Challenge #21: Hank “Big Fish” Kronkowski

Something's fishy here...

30 Characters Challenge #19: Old Glory

Old Glory

30 Characters Challenge #18: Wikkan and the Blog Street Irregulars

Wikkan understands that the "natural" world includes humans and their creations just as much as trees, the sun, or the moon. Through her Art she can learn everything about her surroundings, how they came to be, who interacted with it, what happened at a particular location. Like a walking encyclopedia working through mystical instead of digital media, and supported by her friends the Blog Street Irregulars, she does her best to right wrongs and bring balance to the world.