Cobra Commander Year One?

(From "Target Comics" number 5, 1940.)

Wookiees versus Na'Vi

Our "Versus" question today comes to us from the nice folks at FactPile, but it was so juicy I couldn't pass it up:

In their framing, you have 10,000 Wookiees and 10,000 Na'vi going into battle on a neutral jungle planet. But let's be honest, the Wookiees would crush them if the Na'vi didn't have their magic internet trees or whatever the hell that living planet concept was.

So let's switch it around and posit an invasion of the Na'vi home world by Wookiees, mostly because the idea of parachuting Wookiees makes me laugh like a hyena. Let's say they want some Unobtanium for the rebellion, and they fly there in their ships powered by Doesnotexisteum with their Fansofmyshowareidiotsandihatethem model blasters.

In this scenario, basically you've got a somewhat higher tech level than the humans displayed in "Avatar". But, that same tech level couldn't beat a planet full of the dwarven Wookiee cousins, the Ewoks. So take that for what it's worth. Granted, on Endor the Angry Teddy Bears were up against Storm Troopers, who we all know now were clones of what is apparently the Worst Soldier In the World, judging by their poor aim and general lack of combat effectiveness. I mean, you've got an entire galaxy (granted, it's far far away, but still) from which to choose your warrior template, and the result was the storm troopers.

Apparently good cloning can't compensate for bad judgement.

But I digress. So you've got super tall howling dog-men up against super tall howling blue cat people. Who wins, and why? Lay it on us, Slicks!

[polldaddy poll="6167556"]

Maybe your computer is slow because your electric rays are dull

(From "Target Comics" number 5, 1940.)

Character Contest 89: Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse

Have you ever wanted a character of yours to be on a poster or website promoting a real live game? Well, now's your chance, because the makers of "Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse (the Most Dangerous Game Ever Made)" have turned to you -- yes, YOU! -- to help design the characters they'll use in their promotional materials! How cool is that?!

Here's an example of the kind of thing where your characters might appear:

And your prize isn't just getting your character added to the promo, but getting it fully illustrated in an awesome pose within that promo by Livio Ramondelli of "Transformers: Autocracy" and "DC Universe Online" fame. Check out his fantastic DeviantART work -- this guy is seriously fantastic.

So to recap, you get a character you designed painted in full color, to be used in promotional materials for a cool game that you can actually show your friends. This is big, folks.

You can find the complete rules here (PDF viewer required). But, here's the short version:

  • You have two weeks instead of one to get your submissions ready. We want them to be really good.
  • You can create up to nine characters and you don't have to say which archetype(s) they are for -- let the design speak for itself.
  • They're much more interested in the character design than the actual piece. For instance, they don't care about flashy backgrounds or anything like that. You can add them in if you want, but all the judge will be looking at are the actual character designs. So if you get frustrated at your inability to create the kind of elaborate set pieces of people like Kytana or dblade, this is your chance to shine with just your design vision.
  • By submitting a design, you are granting Thunderpunch Studios the rights to use it in their promotional materials. You are not granting them the copyright to the image outside of their official promotional materials, however. In other words, you're giving them the ability to use it how they want for themselves, you're not giving up rights to the character altogether.
  • Winners will be announced on May 11 and will be chosen by Thunderpunch Studios executives.

To avoid accusations of "he stole my design!", we're going to handle submissions like for a "Friday Night Fights" session.

  • Instead of posting links to your character(s) here, you will need to email them directly to me (, all in one single message. You can ZIP them up if you want or you can do them all as separate attachments, so long as I just get one email from you.
  • Each file should have your HM user name and your character's name so I know who's who.
  • A description would also be nice but isn't mandatory.

Also, once you hit SEND, your submission is final. No takebacks or do-overs.

Good luck, everyone! I know you'll do us all proud. If you have any questions, please speak up in the comments below and I'll try my best to get them answered.

Edited To Add: DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRIES AS LINKS IN COMMENTS HERE! YOU MUST EMAIL THEM TO ME! Please, read the directions above, folks.

Character Contest 88 Winners

We had a huge response to our "Space Pirate" Character Design Contest, thank you all very much! I saw a number of new folks entering for the first time as well, and I wanted to be sure to extend a warm welcome to them. I hope we see you around here for a long time to come!

By way of introduction, I have downloaded all of the submissions and looked through them each. Because there are so many (101!), I can't possibly show them all. Instead I go through and single out those entries that have something really special or unique about them, and show those in a gallery. Those are our Finalists, and I pick the overall winner from that group. Sometimes it's for the overall impact of the illustration, but sometimes it's just for one element that I liked a lot.

If your entry isn't one of the Finalists, that doesn't mean it wasn't good (even VERY good), or that I didn't like it, or that you're a bad person. I just have to limit them to a manageable number and, like on American Idol where sometimes great performers get cut, some fine illustrations will get left by the wayside. That's why I encourage everyone to go through the original submissions one by one, because you might just find your favorite there that I overlooked.

With that said, here are your Finalists (click on any one to start the slideshow -- the name of the artist and the image name is at the bottom):

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What NASCAR needs to liven things up

(From "Target Comics" number 5, 1940.)

HM3: Cybertaur

Kaldath's prize for winning one of the Consolation Rounds in the last Friday Night Fights was a cyborg centaur body, now available in Body-Monster:

HM3: Thumbs up!

I've just added Myro's prize for winning Pop Quiz 6 to HandRight-Standard and HandRight-Female. In addition, as long as I was in there I went ahead and added the side-view fist to HandRight-Standard as well. Note that the female thumbs-up is redrawn to look more feminine for hers. Getting the item masking right on this one was tricky, so let me know how items mask to the hands.

Pip Quiz 7: Buckle Up Winners

We got 23 24 great entries for Pop Quiz 7, which challenged you to come up with an image that incorporated this randomly selected item:

And here they all are!

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Pop Quiz 7: Buckle Up

Get ready for your pop quiz, kids! Your one-day quick-fire challenge is to use this item from the Belt-Military set (first page, second row, third item) in a creative way:

Your submission must include this item. Although it's originally a belt buckle, I'll warn you that a dude wearing a belt with this as the buckle has zero chance of winning. Be creative! You might turn it into a weapon head, or a helmet of some sort, or a robot's main body, or a cool sports logo.

You only get one entry -- that's right, just one! So make it your best.

Most of the other rules are the same as for a regular contest, but instead of a whole week I'll announce the winner either tonight or first thing in the morning.

  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.

The winner will receive their choice of either one item or one portrait to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 release, or one Sketch of the Day style drawing where you pick the subject and I draw it how I like.

Good luck!