Whiz Bang Item Creation Poll #1 (Headgear)

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The Whiz Bang Item Dispenser is back, all gassed up and with gears turning! This week's poll theme is Headgear, so put on you thinking caps and use your noggins to decide what piece will race ahead of the others!

Now's your chance to decide what artwork I will work on next. Whatever wins the vote will be completed the following week. This doesn't mean I won't work on other pieces. The winning piece will just be guaranteed my attention.

This poll will end on Wednesday, December 11th. After that I'll be posting a new poll every Wednesday with a week to vote on each new set.

As some of you know I've been creating additional pieces for HeroMachine for the past few years. I went on hiatus for awhile and now I'm back, ready to start creating on a regular basis. Thanks to Jeff's digital wizardry, the process has been streamlined and whatever I create can be placed in the program shortly after I finish the artwork. There's a good chance the chosen item will be in HeroMachine a week after it is announced as the poll winner.

Character Design Contest ♯51 (2GT- Kung Fu Ed) Poll

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Character Design Contest ♯50 (Machines) Results

So, the results for this weeks poll are in and I am happy to announce that the winner is Vectorman316 for his piece, The March Of The Sentinel. Well done Vectorman and thanks to everyone who entered.

50- vectorman316-the_march_of_the_sentinel

30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 19

"Screw Barbies!"


(Apparently I forgot to upload this one earlier in the month when I first drew it. Oops.)

2013 30 Characters in 30 Days Gallery

I wanted to compile all of my illustrations for this year's challenge into one place because I am vain. Also lazy -- this way I don't have to go hunt them each down later. So ... yeah. Here they are.

30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 29

Even faeries have bad days.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 30

"On my planet, this is the symbol for Melancholy. Sigh."


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 28

"When you're in serious trouble, you need a real pit-bull on your side. Call the law offices of Armande Piter Bartholemew Terrierre and take a bite out of your sentence."

30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 27

I swear this was not meant to be a take-off of Grand Moff Tarkin.


30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge, Day 26
