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  • in reply to: BBCode Help #158347


    Unfortunately, the spoiler box went when the forum got updated a couple of years ago. You can still attatch text files to the post like you would an image though.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157882


    After the Golden Cross managed to take over W.I.L.D from within, new W.I.L.D Director James Rush decided that they needed a safety measure to prevent such an occurance from happening again. So he set to work with A Division member Luis Deacon (Blackstar) to create a team seperate from The Protectors to act as a counter-intelligence unit for W.I.L.D itself. However, as the team began to come together, both realised that, not only would this new team have to operate completely seperate from W.I.L.D, let alone The Protectors, but would be better served focusing on preventing and fighting threats to society that W.I.L.D is unequiped to fight, due to its status as a law enforcement agency. So, with a secret budget of W.I.L.D R&D funds, Deacon, now calling himself Catalyst, assembled his team. He brought Prodigy and Stinger with him from A Division, although Stinger is now confined to a support role due to damage taken to her mobility suit in the battle against Omnion. He also recruited former adversaries, Polar Bear, Voltea and Inferno, due to their previous motivations and MO’s being suitable for the job at hand (and of course, it’s better to have someone to take the fall). With the team assembled, The Saviours set out to do the seemingly impossible, save the world from itself.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157792


    Name: Michael Barnes
    Codename: The Watchman

    Profile: The inheritor of the Watchman title from Carl Barrett, Michael Barnes was a community outreach worker, running social clubs and community centre to try and keep kids in urban areas away from gangs and crime. As for how Barnes accquired the power of The Watchman, it would be most appropriate to say that it chose him. After Carl Barrett’s death during his fight against The Memorial Man (whom he sealed within his lantern), the lantern was taken into W.I.L.D’s custody, being a very powerful mystical artifact it would attract unwanted attention which The Outcasts were in no shape to deal with. It was during this time that it became apparent that the lantern was, if not alive then certainly it contained a living consciousness, a being known as The Light. The Light had already begun searching for a replacement for Barrett and settled on Barnes, teleporting him from his home to the W.I.L.D base where the lantern was held and merging the lantern with him. This means he is able to use all of the powers available to Barrett (teleportation, light control) but also gives him a few extra powers, such as Astral Projection, object animation and the ability to project 2D and 3D images/ objects made from light. At first, Barnes’ appearance and the disappearance of the lantern caused the W.I.L.D base to go into red alert, but the situation was resolved after The Light (taking the form of Carl Barrett) explained what had happened. Barnes now has a place in the new incarnation of The Protectors, as his predecessor did in the original, all whilst trying to learn about his new powers and the entity that bestowed them upon him.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157754


    Name: Oscar Compos
    Codename: Magnético

    Profile: Born with the ability to control magnetism, Oscar Campos quickly became something of a superhero celebrity in his native São Paulo, Brazil after stopping a bank heist turned hostage crisis. Soon enough, W.I.L.D came calling and he was recruited into Strike Force South America. During his time in the team though, he would often clash with team leader and Argentinian representative; Mano de Dios, due to both Dios’ aloof attitude and general self-importance as well as Campos’ own hot-headed attitude. However, Campos impressed all of the right people with his hard-working nature and heroics, so when the opportunity to join the main Protectors team arose, he jumped at the chance and was accepted. Of course, this has brought it’s own problems, he speaks very little English, having to rely on Spanish (in itself his second language and which only two other members of the team speak) or a prototype universal translator, plus there is of course the homesickness and generally having to adjust to the new team.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157726


    Name: Marshal Davies
    Code Name: Defender

    Profile: Born into a well-off middle class family and becoming high school sporting all-star, Marshal Davies had options to get a scholarship and maybe even turn pro, but he had a different dream. All he’d ever wanted to do with his life is to help people, to make life better for others, so he chose to join the police force instead, where he became a decorated officer. However, as hard as he tried to make a difference, nothing seemed to be changing and, as he had his eyes opened to so much of what was happening in the world, all he could see was that things were getting worse and that the system he was helping uphold was part of the problem. So when he was confronted by a lack of accountability in his own department after a shooting of an unarmed black teen, he decided enough was enough. He quit the police and decided to focus his efforts on community activism and justice reform. He also took on the alias of the Defender and, equiped with a suit that increases his strength and durability, he made it his mission to aid those in need and defend his community from violence, both from criminals and from the system. He turned down the invitation to join The Protectors at first, seeing W.I.L.D as just another part of the system. However, he was convinced to join by Luis Deacon (formerly known as Blackstar), who reminded Davies of his role as not only a fighter but as a role model for black kids world wide.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157595


    Name: Sadiq Al-Qadir
    Codename: Shahb

    Profile: A former member of W.I.L.D’s Middle East Strike Force Team, representing Jordan, Sadiq Al-Qadir has the power to teleport and to phase through solid objects, hence his codename. Though he represented Jordan in the ME Strike Force, Al-Qadir also unofficially represented Palestine as well, due to his mother’s family being from the West Bank region (with his Grandparents having fled Palestine during the 6 Day War). Though it did have some early success in preventing superhuman crime in the region, the ME Strike Force team was eventually disbanded due to political issues (especially considering that the team was effectively banned from entering 3 countries in the region: Yemen, Syria and Iraq, mostly due to a heavy Saudi influence, as well as Israel being one of the few countries to opt out of the W.I.L.D system) and Al-Qadir was offered a role on the main Protectors team due to his outstanding record. Though there was some pushback to his appointment from both inside and outside W.I.L.D, Al-Qadir has proven to be an exemplary team-member and very quickly adapted to his new situation.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157504


    Name: Doctor Masami Matsumoto
    Codename: Neuron

    Profile: A Japanese-American neurosurgeon, Doctor Matsumoto has been working with W.I.L.D as a consultant physician for a number of years, working with a team of scientists and medical professionals on trying to replicate the effects of “The Moment” in a consistant and controlled manner. However, during an assignment with W.I.L.D’s Strike Force East Asia team, the W.I.L.D HQ in Tokyo was attacked by the supervillain Kaiju and Doctor Matsumoto was exposed to energy from an early prototype of the research groups efforts. The prototype was stolen by Kaiju during the attack and much of the research data was destroyed, alongside the death of the project lead and a number of other group members. However one thing was clear, even with the prototype stolen and the research group decimated, it had been a success. Doctor Matsumoto developed various psychokinetic powers, including Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychometry and some limited precognition (usually manifesting in short but severe migrane-like headaches whenever something bad is about to happen). After some time trying to salvage the research group’s work and getting used to her new powers, Doctor Matsumoto was reassigned to the revamped Protectors team by new W.I.L.D head James Rush (who also cut funding for the research group due to its potential use for human weapon creation).

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157439

    Despite making it through the Omnion Crisis pretty much unscathed, a lot has happened to A Division since. First Anelle left to go to space with the Galactic Guard, then Antaeus retired after losing his powers to the Memorial Man. And then W.I.L.D got infiltrated and taken over by the Golden Cross, who tried to use the organization to further their goals. But now, with the Golden Cross expelled from within the organization, The Titan (James Rush) has now been installed as the new Head of W.I.L.D. And with new leadership comes changes. After a major reshuffling of all teams and staff, A Division (now renamed as The Protectors, or as the team refer to themselves, The New Protectors) is now led by Amazon (Tori Lannock) and only features half of its previous members.
    Current Team (LtR):
    Neuron- Masami Matsumoto
    Shahb- Sadiq Al-Qadir
    Defender- Marshal Davies
    Magnetico- Oscar Campos
    Watchman- Michael Barnes
    Andromeda- Maria Langley
    Angel- Angella Jacobsen
    Amazon- Victoria “Tori” Lannock
    Mr. Mass- Adam Bateman (who has been redesigned facially, based on the actor Jon Hamm)
    Superstar- Lucy Falkner
    Copy Cat- Megan Harris
    Dynamo- Thomas Hall

    Profiles on the new members coming soon.

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    in reply to: MaDPac Studio #157438




    This is good news

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157403


    A superhuman with the ability to steal other superhuman powers, he gained his name from his habit of leaving his victims at the base of statues, usually with a miniture statuette lying next to them. Able to switch between powers he has stolen at will, he is a difficult foe to take down, though he can only use one power at a time. He gained a fair amount of notoriety when he stole the super-strength of A Division member Antaeus, however, he wants more. Knowing that the most powerful superhuman, Paragon (Casey Langley), is not currently on Earth (or in this reality), he has set his sight on the next best thing, Amanda Swift of the Outcasts.
    Current Powers:
    – Super-strength
    – Super-healing
    – Teleportation
    – Enhanced Reflexes
    – Enhanced Senses
    – Telepathy
    – Telekinesis
    – Intangibility

    – Camouflage

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    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #157402


    Dude, that’s incredible. I wish my werewolf character looked that good.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157393


    A cult leader with superhuman strength and an increased healing factor, he claims to be the Gilgamesh of Sumer, a great historical king and legendary figure. If this is true then not only is he the oldest known superpowered human, but he has been alive for well over four and a half thousand years, meaning that immortality can also be counted amongst his power set. Fantastically charismatic, his imposing presence and impressive oratory skills make him one of the best non-mentalist manipulators of the superhuman community. His aim is to create a perfect society based on the ancient Sumerian civilisation he claims to have once ruled, with him as its ruler once again.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157313


    A supervillain with super speed (obviously).

    Would like some feedback on the colours, which looks better, the blue or the black?

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157294


    An extra-dimensional ghast, The Executioner has qualities of both a demon and a spectre, though its origins are unknown. It appears randomly at sites of the summonings of powerful demons, often claiming the lives of those involved, though again, it is unknown why it does this, though some speculate that it may act as a “gatekeeper” between the dimensions of Hell and Earth. What is known, is that The Executioner is exceptionally powerful, its energy readings far exceed any demon and it has been able to shrug off direct strikes from both Demon Girl’s Baphomet and Gabriel’s Sefirot swords.

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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #157246


    So, as promised, Danni.

    Oh yeah, Danni wears glasses now. Her Dad had Myopia and Sam develops Myopia, so makes sense for it not to have skipped a generation.

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