Blazing Blue Universe

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  • #124944


    Hey Blue Blazer
    OK, going back to January

    ROKZ both in concept, story and execution. Great use of duality, color and tech.

    remind me not to get into the water. Very imposing villian, great use of massive size, claws and fins. I would have never thought to use the two toed feet. Good call.

    great design and color. Love the goggles/mask.
    Look like he might be cute under there too. 🙂

    Kewl costume. Love the use of the ligthning effect in relations to his name and story.

    Friction II
    I like you kept the all important belt but redesign the rest of the costume, althoug nothing wrong with the original, but sets her apart a little from her uncle.

    is great and extreme Mr Freeze heh.

    great pose, hard to do a mech costume at that angle, but you did it.

    LOVE the face and hair, such a great funny face, not to mention flaming finger. Good costume elements too.

    the face, arms,costume, color and pose. It all wraps up into a ball of his namesake

    Yeah Meeks reeks .. of evil genius. I’m dead for saying that aren’t I?

    Perhaps Galahad with save me. He radiates “GOOD GUY”

    Very kewl costume, It doesn’t radiate his ability, but then doesn’t have too.

    Galvanized Man
    Great use of metal, I wouldn’t have thought to use the eyes you did. Good call.

    Gamma Man
    Great costume and heroic pose. Yeah this costume says who/what he is.

    Sure looks prepared for it.

    The Gardener
    OK This may be my favorite. (I’m a huge Poison Ivy fan too).
    Love the hat, the costume, the leaves, but that face! He’s very handsome, but yes, that is the face of a bad boy.
    dammit. LOL 😀

    Heh fun pic, sad story, but with a happy ending it seems.

    Anti-terrorist striking terror in the heart of terrorist.
    Don’t make me say that again.

    Eeeeeeyeah, that face I would worry about where he was taking me. You nailed it.

    LOL 😀 Were-gator. Well why not? Every other breed of were. Well done. Great use of elements particularly the mouth and tail. I do question the bat ears though. Look good, but on a gater?

    KEWl, You definately know what you are up agaist with this one.

    Gavin Swift
    Great rakish look and also handsome.

    my favorite part of this kewl costume is the use of the curls coming out from the mask. Inspired! and fitting tanl and running shorts on the character.

    Another favorite of mine. Maybe I’m just in a green phase right now. Heh 🙂
    Cute face, Great costume. love the light green on dark green and great ceckpiece, gloves and boots. Just kewl all over.

    The look and the powers don’t match up, BUT they don’t have to. And it is a great helmet and costume.

    Always being a Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel/Lournu Taine fan, Even played Triad in our LSH game, what’s not to love about this?
    What is it about split personality and orange and purple? LOL 😀
    Very kewl

    Not a skin color I would expect, but well done. Great face and costume as well., particularly the yellow pants cuffs, the little stuff like that that raises it a whole level higher. And the tats.

    is a good solid villian in design as well as stature. Also handsome.

    very interesting. Kinda steam-punkish

    Ghost Bat
    Very interesting design.

    very villain appropriate costume. Hideous face. In a good way 😀 LOL

    Gideon Gray
    Wow another hideous, through great face. Very kewl.

    LOVE the wedding pics! Bre and I wore our Batman tees to our wedding rehursal. The first Tim Burton Batman had come out. Bre and I also had our portraits taken in them. 26 years this July 4th!

    What an interesting shaped head. Not bad, just unusual. KEWL!

    Very kewl effects. Well done. I like it.

    almost looks more villian with that skull-esque mask. I sure wouldn’t want to mess with her. Great costume, it does say more hero than villian, so with her temper, appropriate mix.

    well done, gotta feel sorry for the slug.

    Well that catches me up for the year. What a kewl freaking ride. Thanks.



    Glory is cool!  Want to see more of “The First Ladies” group or has there already been a previous post?  One nit pick, her hands are opposite to what they should be.  Her body pose is awesome!


    Blue Blazer

    Cliff. Holy hell, man. I really appreciate that you took that much time to browse and comment.


    ams, I haven’t posted any of the other First Ladies yet. The next will be Liberty Belle, when I get round to that. And I’m currently kicking myself for not catching Glory’s backwards hands.


    Thanks for the comments, guys!


    Blue Blazer

    The Glutton is a terrifying serial killer whose ravenous hunger is satisfied only by human flesh. In a psychotic fervor, he performed crude surgery on himself, removing all of his teeth and replacing them with jagged sheets of metal. The Glutton is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, led by Avarice.


    Blue Blazer

    Gold and Silver are an inseparable couple who take their names from the metals that compose their bodies. They represent the state of Montana in the national team the Fifty.


    Blue Blazer

    Coincidentally enough, this is Gold Rush, the Fifty representative from California. He is a super speedster.


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Eagle

    Real Name: John Cramer

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: levitation, supersonic flight, limited gravity control

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: UNified Defense Emergency Regulation Division Of Global Security (UNDERDOGS)

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    John was a carpenter before he became the first member and leader of the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S. He used his ability to fly and cause inanimate objects to levitate to build houses at amazing speeds, all on his own. Though his mutant abilities only include his ability to fly and affect gravity, he is in peak physical condition and a skilled martial artist.



    Blue Blazer

    Argh, every third or fourth post I make, when I hit “submit” I’m bounced to the first page of this thread and the post I just finished gets erased. What up widdat?


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Girl

    Real Name: Jane Weaver

    Genre: Superheroine

    Powers/Special Skills: excellent hand-to-hand combatant and acrobat

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Mr. Ultimate; Caligo Department of Justice

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: retired


    Jane was the star pupil of professor Jonathan Lee, Jr. at Caligo State University. He taught Criminal Justice, and she soaked in the material like a sponge. Professor Lee noticed Jane’s passion and offered to let her be his student aide. She leaped at the chance, and that was how she stumbled upon Professor Lee’s secret. He was, in truth, the greatest hero of all time, Mr. Ultimate. Jane, feeling an even stronger pull to bring justice to the world, begged Jonathan to let her fight crime with him as his sidekick. He put her through a trial of physically grueling tests in an effort to show her it was too difficult, but she passed all of his tests with flying colors. Reluctantly, he agreed to take her on as his sidekick.


    They fought together for many years. When Mr. Ultimate died, Jane was so distraught, she turned her back to her crime fighting life, and focused on her job as an Assistant District Attorney of Caligo City.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Guardian

    Real Name: Jerry Pritchett

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: super strength and durability; proficient swordsman

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: sword, shield, armor

    Affiliations: HeroCorps

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active






    Blue Blazer

    Name: Goldilocks

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    Powers/Special Skills: expert markswoman

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: custom-made bow and arrows

    Affiliations: The Daughters of Grimm

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: exists in the Book of Fables


    The Daughters of Grimm are a group of young women who at one time were all young girls plagued by the monsters and villains popularized in fairy tales. They have grown weary of being accosted by wolves, witches, ogres, bears, evil stepmothers, and the like, and have formed a sisterhood of warriors to fight back against the forces of evil. Each has trained vigorously with a different weapon, and all have made the vow to never fall victim to these menaces again, especially the Faerie Queen and her minions.

    Goldilocks has become a crackshot with the bow and arrow. She has a particular grudge against a family of bears.



    Blue Blazer

    Name: Golgotha

    Genre: Demon

    Powers/Special Skills: invisibility, possession, shadow manipulation

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Army of Hell

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: residing in Hell


    Born from the Lake of Fire with a drop of the blood of sinners, the Golgotha emerged endowed with the instinct to corrupt and thus condemn mankind. He leaves Hell each night at dusk to inhabit the minds of mortals, committing outrageous acts of villainy in their bodies. When not possessing the living, Golgotha is able to escape the attacks of warriors like the Shadow Hunters with invisibility and the power to control shadows.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gorgon

    Real Name: Adam Fisher

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: able to briefly paralyze enemies with his eyes

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliation: The Honor Guard

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Most of the time, Adam is a teacher at a special school called Powerhouse, where super-powered children can go to learn to cope with their abilities while getting a formal education. He was himself a member of the school’s first graduating class. As a child, he was unsure of how to deal with his mutant power to turn others to stone. He was found by Mr. E, a powerful sorcerer and founder of Powerhouse, and his parents gratefully allowed him to move into the academy.


    Now Adam is an instructor, a stern, strict, no-nonsense teacher of math and power temperance. But he also serves as the leader of the Honor Guards, a super team comprised of the faculty at Powerhouse. He leads the Honor Guard with the same seriousness and by-the-book regiment that he uses to teach.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Goshawk

    Real Name: Kevin Gunderson

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: has a pair of large bird wings

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Harrier

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Kevin is the son of James Gunderson, AKA Harrier, who has the same pair of large feathery wings. Both Gundersons use their ability to fly to fight crime. And although James would like his son at his side, Kevin would much rather be the sidekick of his hero the Raven. James has begun to resent his son for this, causing a rift between them.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grace Lightning

    Real Name: Gracie Green

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: can become living electricity

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Tomorrow Teens

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Gracie is about as girly as a girl can get. She cheerleads at Caligo Central High School, shops at the uptown mall every chance she gets, and is soon to be presented to the other Caligo high socialites at the debutante ball. But she also leads another life, one of a fierce warrior for justice. She is able to become living electricity, which she uses to fight crime as superheroine Grace Lightning. She is unable to shoot electricity, so she uses a steel whip to conduct it into her enemies. She is also able to enter and ride high power lines to move from place to place almost instantly. Gracie is a member of the Tomorrow Teens.


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