Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)

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The Atomic Punk

Character Contest 43: Laborer

The Keeper. Remember your first job in high school? Did you ever daydream of someday running the store, a franchise, or the whole conglomerate? That is the optimism that drives the Keeper.

The “Itsaburger” fast food chain is another creation that started in HeroMachine. I have since incorporated the idea into other projects.

The Keeper


The Keeper starts his workday with a cup of Itsaburger Xtra Black coffee. This month’s Itsakidsmeal prize is a bisphenol-A plastic replica of the Itsaburger CEO’s 18th Corvette.

Stick with him, girlfriend. Some day that car will be his. He’s got potential. Right there, that’s his cat – “Potential”.