Re: Jeimuzu’s World

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@Linea24: Thank you very much!!
@Lightningsword: Leo Solar sounds like a cool idea, but I think Dandelion has the lion thing covered. and thank you, Master Anime sounds like a cool title SmileSmile


Felt like doing a revamp of the very first member I ever made for Strange Justice: Sky Squirrel

He’s got the same powers as before, weather generation and manipulation, magical umbrella used for flight and shooting lightning at bad guys. Sir Cheeks did not make it into this revamp, but I did come up with an explanation for that. During a battle where Sky Squirrel nearly lost his life, Sir Cheeks was able to sacrifice his own life in order to transfer his magic powers to Sky Squirrel. This new power gave Sky Squirrel what he needed to survive the battle and come out on top. Now Sky Squirrel is also capable of using magic in battle, though he’s got a lot to learn before he masters the craft.