Category Archives: News & Updates

The latest happenings on all things HeroMachine.

HM3: dblade helms

Continuing with "dblade Saturday", I have just added the following items from him into the "Headgear-Modern" set. Thank you, sir!

HM3: dblade is tops!

I have finally gotten off my sluggy butt and added the following items (drawn by the incomparable dblade) to Tops-Male-Tech. Many thanks to him, and apologies to you all for my epic slowness getting these up.

Edited to add: I just updated this set with the following arm, broken into pieces as well as the complete item:

HM3: Tech boots

I've just posted a new set of items, "Foot-Right-Male-Tech" for HeroMachine 3. I marked them as Male but they're really unisex:

If you don't see the new set on the list, clear your browser cache and it ought to show. Enjoy!

HM3: Female boot, short-heeled

The next entry from the Replacement Prize List is now available in "Foot-Right-Female":

HM3: Cityscapes

I've just updated the core HeroMachine 3 app to support a new set of items. They're in the "Background" slot, and the set is named "Cityscapes". Here they are:

The first one is the "Dark Alley" from Replacement Prize List 2. Since I didn't want a whole set of items with just one thing in it, I went ahead and did the rest. Hopefully you'll find them useful when making settings for urban characters.

I've just double-checked and the updates are live. If you don't see the new set in the list, you'll have to flush your cache.

HM3: Noob mask

Another set of items from the Replacement Prizes list, now available in Headgear-Military:

HM3: Body Armor

The first item off the second Replacement Prize list is now live in Tops-Male-Tech, modern body armor:

The first one is the complete set, the second is just the padding so you could put some kind of textured undershirt beneath it, and the third is just the vest. Enjoy!

HM3: Tardis Control

I've just uploaded Watson Bradshaw's prize for winning Caption Contest 104, a Tardis-style control panel now available in Background-Standard:

HM3: dblade's got legs, and he knows how to use them

With thanks once again to the tireless dblade for drawing them, I've just posted the following items to "Body-Male-Standard" (female versions to follow ... some time):

These are essentially some of the existing paired legs, separated, I believe. Hope you like them!

Wingin' it

With many and profound thanks to dblade for drawing them, I am happy to announce that I have just uploaded the following set of items to the Backplane-Wings set for HeroMachine 3. As you can see, they're outstanding:

I realize segmented spider legs aren't exactly "wings" but I had the file open anyway and couldn't think of a more logical place. So nyah.
