Category Archives: Daily Random Panel

That's right, we fight for MAN boobs!

(From "Airboy" number 11, 1945.)

"Jersey Shore" was a WWII Japanese plot!

(From "Airboy" number 11, 1945.)

Project Runway goes butch

(From "Airboy" number 11, 1945.)

Flip a German the bird and they LIKE it

(From "Airboy" number 11, 1945.)

Being a travel blogger is hard

(From "Airboy", volume 2, number 11, 1945.)

New Trojan brand torpedoes for couples!

(From "Weird Comics" number 19, 1941.)

Dealing with "The Help", Old Testament style

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

Giant Mutant Corny Dogs, ATTACK!

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

Samson the smooth-talker

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

Remember that time Samson fell in love with a lion? Wait, what?

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)