Open Bragging Day

As I mentioned, I am currently out of town at my niece's wedding and thus, can't participate in an Open Critique Day today. We'll pick that up again next week.

In the meantime, though, I thought I'd instead make this an "Open Bragging Day", a chance for you to share one piece of art of which you are particularly proud. Show everyone your one "wow" piece that you think is a great example of what you try to do as a creator. Obviously (given the venue) it could be a HeroMachine character design, or you could scan/photograph a completely different piece and post it.

I'd like this to be a purely positive day for those willing to post. It's "Attaboy Friday", not a critique day, so try to think of something nice if you feel the urge to post a response.

Otherwise, put your artwork up and tell us why you're proud of it!

(Apologies to the WWE for using their logo. It's awesome, though.)