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    Merci mon ami.

    I thought you’d like Danni’s shirt. Lili got it for her for Christmas 😉 . I have to say, I did quite like the idea.



    That group pic just might be your best ever! Stunning!



    Bro. That picture. Is. AMAZING! I mean, despite that fact that it’s not a selfie 😛

    Still, though, the poses feel so natural!



    @djuby- Cheers dude.

    @Hawk007- How’s it not a selfie. Bright Idea is holding the camera. She just doesn’t have hands to do it with so she’s using magic.



    That group pic is all sorts of cute. Happy New Year!



    First pic of 2016 and I’m redesigning another one of my older characters, this time Kira Saiban.

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    Man I love that.



    Cheers Viper

    Anyway, done a thing.

    There may or may not be an alternate version somewhere.

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    “Danni, I’m not really comfortable about doing this.”
    “Come on babe, I did one, now it’s your turn.”
    “Yeah, but yours wasn’t a full-body. And besides, you look great. I just got a new tattoo and it’s still all red and blotchy around there and my hair needs re-colouring soon, you can see my natural colour coming through and you’re going to get the glare off of my glasses and…”
    “Really?! I’ve just had a baby, you think I don’t feel completely self-conscious about how I look. You look beautiful, just relax. It’s not like anyone else is going to see these.”

    Lili has pretty bad body image anxiety. Not as bad as it was in her teens (she was borderline anorexic at one point), but she still worries a lot about how she looks and, more often, how other people think she looks. Fortunately she has worked out a coping mechanism when around other people, keep them distracted by talking. A lot. It also help that when she talks, she’s not thinking about what other people think about how she looks. Ironically, Lili is naturally thin, she doesn’t put on weight easily (much to Danni’s annoyance), plus she works out pretty regularly.

    Trying to give Lili and Danni more different body shapes and trying to move away more from the standard HM body. I might do reference sheets for the girls at some point.

    Note: Lili’s new tattoo on her chest says “Samantha” which is the name of her and Danni’s (technically Danni’s, she’s the mother) daughter, named after Danni’s Grandmother (and on Cliff’s suggestion). It’s her third tattoo, after her arm and one on her back.

    Note 2: Yes, Lili does have a navel piercing.

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    Anyway, meet Samantha, Lili and Danni’s daughter. I do believe this is the first time I’ve actually done a picture of her. She’s shown here around age 5. I’ll probably do a few more pictures of her, first as a teenager, then an adult, but I’ve got a few more things to do before I get round to those.

    One question though. Should she have Danni’s last name, Dartford (as Danni is her mother, and therefore her blood relation), or Lili’s, Marcell (because Danni is the mother, and usually only the child of a single mother would take their mothers last name)?

    Slightly edited from the version on DeviantArt for obvious can’t-use-copyrighted-characters-images-for-kigu’s-because-we-don’t-want-Jeff-getting-sued reasons, even thought the original kigu is cooler.


    Also, thinking of doing something special to celebrate my threads 100th page when it happens, not sure what though. Any ideas?

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    Hmmm, the married name Quagmire. here are some real life options on how others have solved this.

    Option 1)Consider one person the “Father” and have the family name be “his”

    Option 2) Give the child both last names, but with one as the middle name.

    Option 3) Hyphenate the Last names

    Option 4) Everyone takes the mother’s name.

    Option 5) The family comes up with a new family name.



    I think I’ll go with option 1. It’s sounds the best tbh.


    As promised, the second pic of Lili and Danni’s daughter Samantha (Sam), shown here age 15. She’s going through the moody teenager phase and this is pretty much her default expression for everything, especially anything Lili says. They got on so well when Sam was younger, but being a teenager it’s time for that whole “nobody understands me”, existential angsts, rebel against literally everything that can possibly be rebelled against thing (you know, like teenagers do). Though, word to the wise, in a moment of the utmost teenageness, it was never and will never be a good idea to say to Lili “you are not my mum, don’t tell me what to do” because Danni, well, she’s a tiny bit terrifying when she’s angry. And that made her slightly more than angry. But they love each other really. Sam picked up most of her mannerisms from Lili, although she does have quite a lot of Danni’s anxieties and personality traits. She just finds it hard to relate to her mums sometimes, especially when you’re the awkward girl at school and everyone knows you have two mums and that’s all anyone ever seems to talk about, especially the guys, who you don’t know how to talk to and you can’t really ask your mums for advice on that front because, well, you know…



    My entry for this years Creators Club Poster

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    Holy friggin crap. That’s awesome! Kind of sorcerer meets Assassin’s Creed. The costume design is awesome, the magic effect is awesome, the facial expression. Everything about that screams quality.

    Sorry if I feel like I’m exaggerating. I just really like it for some reason.



    I knew someone was going to mention Assassins Creed. Can a character not have a white hood without getting compared to that game?

    Anyway, thanks for the compliments.

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