Category Archives: 30 Characters Challenge

30 Day Challenge 2013: 1 – Armenos

The Sultan's Vizier, ARmenos

The Sultan's Vizier, ARmenos

30 Characters Challenge 2012 Overview

I had a lot of fun doing the "30 Characters in 30 Days" Challenge this year. For convenience's sake, here's the set of all of the images in one gallery. Enjoy!

30 Characters Challenge #30: CeeCee Anderman, Pareidolist

CeeCee Anderman is a Pareidolist -- she can cause anything that seems to have a face to her to come alive briefly, conversing with her about whatever it has seen or heard. Or about wattage and ohms -- outlets are always going on about that rubbish.

30 Characters Challenge #29: Animatrix

Animatrix has the power to bring children's toys and action figures to life.

30 Characters Challenge #28: Badaesstus the Demon Smith

Badaesstus the Demon Smith loves heavy metal (the music AND the forging varieties), his ectomorph Pooter, and Care Bears in that order.

30 Characters Challenge #27: Earl Gray Hulk, Hot.

Earl Gray Hulk, Hot. (Double nerd reference.)

30 Characters Challenge #26: Aphid

"My aphid senses are tingling! Even at the size of an insect I can handle whatever it might be, bring it -- " SQUISH!!

30 Characters Challenge #25: Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad

Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad can use the power of his mind to change the phenotype of any living organism at will.

30 Characters Challenge #24: Gears

Gears fixes stuff. Men are not stuff, so if you're a broken man and you're looking for a woman to fix you -- keep looking. But leave the keys to your car.

30 Characters Challenge #23: Grandag

Finally making it to Broadway wasn't as satisfying as Grandag had dreamed.