Tag Archives: movies

5 Things That Make Me Excited for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

So a new trailer for Rogue One dropped a couple of days ago. Instead of reviewing the trailer itself (because what can I say, it looks awesome!) I thought I’d do a quick outline of the things that are making me most excited about this film. The trailers have looked great so far, but these are the things that we’ve seen or know to be happening that pique my interest the most. In no particular order, they are:

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Power Rangers Trailer Drops!

So, as the gritty reboot of our childhoods continue, we have now gotten our first trailer for the upcoming Power Rangers movie. And…. here it is:

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Summer Movie Round Up!

Ah, September. Kids are back to school, it’s cooler in the mornings, and people like myself are already three months into Halloween planning. But now is that time that people also look back and reflect on the summer movie run for the year. So let’s take a look at a sample of what this year had to offer from May-August. Now, my list is a bit short, and will be missing some obvious entries. We live pretty far from the closest theater so we don’t get a chance to see everything. So here’s what we have, in order of release (and spoiler-free!):

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