Kaldath’s Caption COntest #56 – Results

Two weeks ago I asked you all to give me you best dialogue for this image:

Superman Christmas

and these are my top five out of the entries given.


Hey kids, Superman here! Let’s see what happens when we mix a dried-out Christmas tree, lighted candles, and an ol’ geezer in a flammable Santa suit. Yule-time fun…oh…er…I mean, only you can prevent Christmas tree fires.
Herr D
TWO men who can fly around the world at incredible speeds, have base at the extreme North, move through lit fires unharmed, and care if you’re naughty or nice? Course we’re bros!
Now who wants me to use my X-Ray vision to tell them what they’ve got?
 Sorry, children, but I’m staying behind the tree. I’ve had too many bad experiences with Lex Luthor and Christmas presents that ALWAYS seem to be Kryptonite.
Jimmy Olsen, get out of line! I’ve told you before, you’re too old to sit on Santa’s lap!
And your winner is ..........................................

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A Very Big Question

Okay guys, I was thinking of doing a count down of my Top 10 Best Marvel Superheroes for my reviews profile on Deviantart as a way to celebrate the New Year, but I've run into a small problem. Who do I put on the list? There are some obvious ones; Spider-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, who have to be on it. There are some that you may not immediately think of who could qualify (Black Panther anyone? First black superhero, big deal) and then there are those who you'd never even consider, but still made a big impact on the Marvel universe (the original Human Torch or Ant-Man/ Giant Man). So, I've come up with a genius level solution. I'm going to let you guys tell me who to put on the list. Give me your list of the Top 10 Greatest Marvel Superheroes in the comments below, with your reasoning why they should be considered as one of the top 10 and their defining moment in the comics (it doesn't have to be their greatest triumph or what caused them to become a superhero, for example you could say that Spider-Man's defining moment was the death of Gwen Stacy because it was the first time that such a major character was killed off in the comics, or Iron Man's defining moment was when he became an alcoholic, because it made the super-rich, super-handsome, super-heroic Tony Stark more relatable as a normal human being).

So, over to you. Who are your Top 10 Marvel Superheroes (they don't have to be in any order if you want) and why?

Well someone’s not getting ANY presents…

JReviews- Doctor Who: Last Christmas (2014 Xmas Special)

Merry Christmas y'all, hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas. So, with the pleasantries out of the way, let's get down to business.

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Merry Christmas

Have a cute Groot.

(Original art by kevinbolk on deviantart- zelda).

HeroMachine Hall Of Fame Poll For 2014

Hall Of Fame

I am a little late getting this up so the poll will be open until 11:59 Eastern time New Years Eve ( December 31st).


Here is how this work, you each can vote for up to Five entrants in this poll once daily until the poll ends. Once the Poll closes the five entrants with the most votes will be entered into the HeroMachine.com Hall Of Fame.


Note a little note. JR is currently running a Hero Of the Year pol the winner of which will also be entered into the Hall Of Fame. I believe one or more of the entries on this poll are on that poll also. I have no intention of entering the same image into the Hall of fame twice, so I will disqualify the Winner and ONLY the winner of JR's Poll from winning this one as well. What that means is if the Winner of Hero Of the Year is also one of the top five in this poll it will be will be removed from the list of winners here and the next entrant with the highest vote count will take it's place.  I hope that is simple enough to understand, and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below.


[polldaddy poll="8544343"]

Geek Quiz ♯4: Quizmas Edition


A slightly shrunk down version of the quiz this week, as I'm sure everyone has something better to do. This week you've got 10 questions with 10 points to get, so no real brain melters unfortunately, though I do still manage to be a bit mean. And to make it a bit more festive, they all have some sort of wintery theme. As per usual, please don't post answers in the comments, only your scores and stuff pertaining to your scores, but no answers please. And also as usual, the answers will be below the jump from the blog main page, so it would be advisable to view the quiz from the main page so you don't get spoiled.

1 Point per correct answer

1- In Batman: The Long Halloween, which villain stars in the Christmas issue?

2- What is the only move that the Pokemon Delibird learns by level-up?

3- What event during the Tri-Wizard tournament happens over Christmas in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

4- Name the villains from the first of the annual Doctor Who Christmas specials, since the series relaunch in 2005.

5- What sweets does the White Witch offer to Edmund Pevensie when they first meet in C.S Lewis' masterpiece; The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe?

6- What creature attacks Luke Skywalker and kills his Tauntaun on the planet Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back?

7- What is the correct title of the Dr. Seuss book that the classic Jim Carrey Christmas film from the year 2000 was based on?

8- What is the real name of classic Flash villain, Captain Cold?

9- Name the Ice-Make wizard from the anime series Fairy Tail.

10- What is the winter festival in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic called?

Answers apres le jump

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Valyndril- Post-Apocalyptic Children

2014 Character Of The Year

Character Of The Year- The Results

Last years COTY final poll got 145 votes overall. This year, we almost doubled that, getting 275 votes. As with last year, I'll run down our top 3, in ascending order.

3. Candruth- Priestess (60 Votes)

2. Carmen- The Strange Case Of Hannah Jekyll & Edith Hyde (62 Votes)

And in at Number 1, with 90 votes is….

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Character Building with JR19759

Remember guys this is the last Character Building tutorial video I am planning to do, so if you have any ideas for replacement posts for the Tuesday blog slot in the new year, leave them in the comments below. Hope this series was helpful for some of you.