Wolfram's Hero Collective

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    This is a collective of my creations in HeroMachine 3… Yeah that is pretty much it.



    Hi, I am WolframXT, you can call me Wolf. I have been working on HeroMachine 3 for quite some time. Probably not as long as you guys but I finally have a good grasp on how the program works so I have decided to finally start a topic. Any tips and suggestions are welcome.

    Here is B1U3, not much is known about him at the time other than that he was once a cop but due to some accident involving a truck filled with chemicals and a super-charged taser he gained these powers.


    Michael Chiarcos


    Try again. I think you forgot to upload your content. I am always eager to view someone else’s work mainly because you people have talent and I do not. I’m just meticulous about my details.

    If you are interested, here I am.

    A few Old Ideas, a Few New Ideas



    Michael Chiarcos

    There it is. Nice work



    Good start dude. Now maybe try and learn how to highlight and shade your creation. It would really make it pop!



    Hey Nighthawk, I’ve viewed your creations, and I just have to say, great job! They are really cool. I am not really sure how you highlight, shade, and pose my characters to well. But if you could give me some insight on how to do so that would be great.



    Here is another one of my creations. This is the Emerald Warrior. Not my character but a friends. Yes they allowed me to post it here. As always any tips and or suggestions are welcome.

    Jerry Greenfield was a collector of anything medieval. He soon came across an emerald green helmet. He then decided it would be a good idea to put it on. Soon after a magical glow came from the helmet as it expanded around him. As the glow faded it shown that he was now wearing a suit of armor. He later discovered that the suit granted him amazing strength along with other powers. He soon became the superhero Emerald Warrior.



    Here is a newer hero of mine. This is Cody Reynolds. His name is Helios. I haven’t figured out too much of his story yet, but he has quickly become a favorite of mine. The story so far is that Cody and a couple of others were all involved in some sort of experiment to try and create super powers. This was also a project to make a team of superheroes. All of them were given code names based off of a Greek/Roman God. Cody was given the powers of pyromancy and flight.


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