Heroes & Villians of Vengeances

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  • This topic has 1,205 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by Vengeance.
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    Flash Freezehttp://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp299/leemccree/FlashFreeze.png



    Your work is beautiful – great detail.



    Thank You






    http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp299/leemccree/TheSixPack.pngThe villain group known as Six Pack is
    Zip: super speed
    Fury: enhanced strength, enhanced reflexes, agility
    The Red Djinn: appears to be a real genie
    E = MC2: super strength can convert energy to mass and mass to energy. Has genius level intellect.
    Shaj`a: flight, superhuman strength.
    Tagger: has the ability to animate objects she paints



    Light Ray V Photobucket



    really di the fable characters good stuff!I would love to see each one in a more personal light.



    BloodWing Ihttp://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp299/leemccree/BloodWingI-1.png
    BloodWingII http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp299/leemccree/BloodWingI.png



    Jet PackPhotobucket



    The Ripper Photobucket






    Warrior (War Tech One) earth translation of alien name
    James Barney Hill (Earth assumed name)
    Super strength, enhanced speed and reflexes (is able to catch bullets) enhanced healing, enhanced vision. Energy manipulation near invurnability when in suit able to absorb or redirect energy attacks
    A Bio-mechanical battle suit and genetic enhancements that are of extraterrestrial origin.
    The bio suit is embedded in his genetic material. When in use it increases his “natural abilities
    World wide there are hundred’s of reports of alien abductions each year. Thousands of reports of this phenomenon have been recorded starting as far back as the late 1800s.
    Several examples are cited below.
    There was at least one case of attempted abduction reported in conjunction with the mystery airships of the late 1800s. Colonel H. G. Shaw’s account was published in the Stockton, California Daily Mail in 1897: claimed he and a friend were harassed by three tall, slender humanoids whose bodies were covered with a fine, downy hair. The beings tried to accost or kidnap Shaw and his friend, who were able to fight them off.
    In 1954, Paris Match printed a story said to have occurred in 1921, when the anonymous writer was a child. The writer claimed to have been snatched by two tall “men” who wore helmets and “diving suits” and who took the boy to an “oddly shaped tank” before being released.
    One of the most famous and noted abductions happened in 1961, to a married couple returning to Portsmouth, New Hampshire from a late season vacation. The couple noticed a light in the sky south of Groveton, New Hampshire. During their abduction genetic material was taken from them. This material was used to clone and develop the being that would become known as Warrior.

    There is a war that has raged in space for several dozen earth years. This war is being fought by four main groups. The Greys, the Reptilians, the Asiatic and /or Nordic (human looking) and the Browns. The Greys have been able to develop Bio-mechanical and genetic enhancements to be used in the war, these enhahancments however tend to destroy the Greys that they are used on. Literally burning out their bodies in minutes. The Greys have discovered that some Earth humans have a genetic make up that allows their Bio-Tech to work.
    Since this time they have been taking humans to harvest genetic material.
    The war in space is over (around 2002 reports of alien abductions start to fall off. The Warrior is the only “enhanced human” that has been allowed to return to Earth. Warrior has knowledge of Earth culture based on Greys years of observation. He was also allowed to vist earth on several occasions



    AXIOM Name:
    Fred Valentic
    Super strength, enhanced speed and reflexes enhanced healing, enhanced vision. Energy manipulation near invurnability when in suit able to absorb or redirect energy attacks
    A Bio-mechanical battle suit and genetic enhancements that are of extraterrestrial origin.
    The bio suit is embedded in his genetic material. When in use it increases his “natural” and enhanced abilities
    There is a war being fought in deep space. This war is being fought by four main groups. The Greys, the Reptilians, the Asiatic and /or Nordic (human looking) and the Browns. The Greys have been able to develop Bio-mechanical and genetic enhancements to be used in the war, these enhancements however tend to destroy the Greys that they are used on. Literally burning out their bodies in minutes. The Greys have discovered that some Earth humans have a genetic make up that allows their Bio-Tech to work.

    World wide there are hundred’s of reports of alien abductions each year. Thousands of reports of this phenomenon have been recorded starting as far back as the late 1800s.
    One of the most famous and noted abductions happened in 1961, to a married couple returning to Portsmouth, New Hampshire from a late season vacation. The couple noticed a light in the sky south of Groveton, New Hampshire. During their abduction genetic material was taken from them. This material was used to clone and develop the being that would become known as Warrior.
    20-year-old Fred Valentic disappeared in unexplained circumstances while piloting a light aircraft over Bass Strait to King Island, Australia on October 21, 1978.
    Prior to his disappearance, Valentic reported via radio that he had encountered an unidentified craft that flew at high speed dangerously close to his Cessna, and later hovered over his aircraft. The case attracted significant press attention and became part of UFO lore.
    No trace of Fred or his aircraft was ever found, and a Department of Transport investigation concluded that the reason for the disappearance could not be determined.
    The war in space is over (around 2002 reports of alien abductions start to fall off. The Warrior was the first “enhanced human” that has been allowed to return to Earth.
    The Hero Known as Axiom is the second “enhanced human” to return to earth



    PhotobucketName: Abraham Bishop
    Alias: Slayer
    Aka: Hiram Slayer, Hutu
    Powers: enhanced strength (able to lift 1000 lbs) rapid healing, enhanced reflexes, vision, hearing, and sense of smell. Skilled in all forms of combat (knives, swords, small arms hand to hand)
    Abilities: Is able to ward off most magical attacks, can use magic but does not like to.

    Background: Slayer is from an alternate reality, where humans have nearly been killed off by vampires. On his world he was born in Africa in the late 1700s. He was the son of the village Warrior chief and the Shaman. He was trained in his parent’s arts for 20 years.
    His village was attacked and destroyed by a group of vampires that were involved in the slave trade as a means to have a ready food source. Hutu’s mother before dying was able to cast an enchantment over him. The enchantment gave him the strength and abilities and powers of all his bloodline. Hutu managed to make his way to Haiti. He was in large part behind the success of the 1791 Haitian slave revolution. Hutu assumed the name Hiram Slayer and spent the next 100 years traveling the world destroying vampire nests.
    In 1901 Several Vampire families joined together and were able to take control of earth.
    Hiram Slayer spent the next ten years fighting a one sided war against the vampires.
    In 1910 Hiram was removed from his reality by the cosmic entity The Nexus. The Nexus
    Did not reveal his reason for bringing Hiram to our world. After coming to our world Hiram, was befriended by Abraham Bishop a man who s had the job of protecting our world from incursions from other realities, after his death Hiram took his name as a way of honoring their friendship. During his time on our world Slayer has amassed a vast fortune.



    <span class=”bbcode_spoiler”>Photobucket</span>Name: Troy Bitten
    Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, enhanced senses, hypnotism, resistant to physical, damage regeneration, animal control, shape shifting, wall climbing, magical abilities, and long life
    “The nosferatu do not die like the bee when he stings once. He is only stronger, and being stronger, have yet more power to work evil. The vampires which are amongst us is of himself so strong in person as twenty men, he is of cunning more than mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages, he have still the aids of necromancy, which is, as his etymology imply, the divination by the dead, and all the dead that he can come nigh to are for him at command, he is brute, and more than brute, he is devil in callous, and the heart of him is not, he can, within his range, direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder, he can command all the meaner things, the rat, and the owl, and the bat, the moth, and the fox, and the wolf, he can grow and become small, and he can at times vanish and come unknown. How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him? How shall we find his where, and having found it, how can we destroy?”
    <hr class=”bbcode_rule” />
    Van Helsing from Bram Stoker’s Dracula
    <hr class=”bbcode_rule” />
    Troy Bitten was the mutant hero know as The Spark. He is from an alternate reality, where humans have nearly been killed off by vampires. On his home world Troy was
    Attacked and bitten by a vampire. The bite did not transform him into a vampire but did give him all the powers ,and almost none of the classic vampire weakness. The Spark was removed from his reality by the cosmic entity The Nexus. The Nexus did not reveal his reason for bringing The Spark to our world. Troy changed his name to Blood Spark after coming to our world. He has teamed up with the hero known as Slayer several times in the

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