Re: Zerogarth’s characters so far…

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Zerogarth’s characters so far… Re: Zerogarth’s characters so far…



thanks everyone ^^

here goes another… I’m not sure ’bout this one… but since its already done, guess I should post it…

Sithirlia … the women for whom Tezael fell …her soul’s empathy and passion gave her the capacity to comune with nature ever since the moment she was born. As she grew, she became aware of a latent disturbance on the spirit of the planet, she felt how it was taken over by a wave of anger and selfishness cast from the very souls of her brothers and sisters… overwhelmed by its darkness, she hid, wandering the mountains, forests, and every place where the hand of man was yet to corrupt. As time passed, her soul melted with the spirits of the Earth… it was when this communion occured, that Tezael felt her unmatched kindness. They fell helplessly in love as both their souls fought the rising darkness, while leaving all other matters to luck.
After Tezael was imprisoned, Zeus submerged Sithirlia into a state of disconnection, making her lose all strenght and will. She grew old fast, as her soul no longer found reasons… and died silently, longing for the very love that drove her out of her true destiny.