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@The Atomic Punk said:
Though the skull on Wild Elf’s shoulder seem out of place for an elf, but that’s just me. Add a backstory to either character and you might have a nomination for Hero of the Month.
I think of elves as having a very low-tech society where they live off the land, using every bit; if that means using bones for armor, so be it. I understand what you’re saying though, I guess that’s not a very traditional interpretation. I actually tried not to use anything that looked like metal in that piece, but I get carried away sometimes. I did try to make the vambrace look like it was possibly carved “shell” rather than “metal”.
I’ll definitely have to think of some background information. I tend to be better at creating exotic settings and neglect the characterization a bit. I think that’s one reason I use HeroMachine — to force me to think of the characters more! Most of the time, I find that I pick a piece that looks interesting and start working from there vice having a clear idea when I start. For the captive elf for example, I started with a torso (I think it was actually under the “zombies” tab!) and the round shoulders suggested arms pulled back, so I worked from there.
I do have a question that hopefully someone has an answer to: a lot of times when I export my images from HeroMachine, the program MOVES all of my items (usually down) about 100 pixels or so and I have to select all items and re-position them when I start work again? Anyone else have this issue? I’m assuming it’s happening when I make my backgrounds too big by accident and the program maybe tries to center the image on that? I really appreciate any suggestions!