Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)


The Atomic Punk

Thanks, Weilyn.

Character Contest 66 – Cyborg

The whole point of prosthetic limbs is to reclaim mobility and versatility. Recent advancements in medicine have pushed the possibility of a full-body transplant. Here is an advertisement for a company that specializes in this radical procedure.

Lazarus Ambulatory Service

Lazarus Ambulatory Service: Cloners Who Care
Many medicorps offer cloning. None provide the care and dedication than the professionals at Saint Lazarus. We offer our exclusive and free Ambulatory Service with a full body transplant.

Most cloners simply “back-up” your memories into a brain box. You could be “off-line” for weeks before your new body is ready. Some cloners offer a brain case. You might be conscious, existing as data on the net. This could have long-lasting negative psychological effects. Your brain is vulnerable to malware, even a virus!

Whether stored in a box or adrift in the ether, brain-to-data transfers are not always 100 percent. You could lose precious memories: loved ones, account numbers, birthdays, even your own name! A live full stem-and-spine transplant is the best choice.

With our Ambulatory Service, you are able to move freely. You can still make a personal appearance. Removing the stigma of being a “netspook.” You see with your own eyes. Our enhanced exoskeleton even has scent receptors that you control. Most importantly, you do not lose precious days. There is a reduced risk of permanent memory loss and “netmares.”

From the initial consultation to holistic outpatient treatment, Saint Lazarus is with you every step of the way.