Re: Mad Jacks Showroom

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Mad Jack

@The Atomic Punk said:
Awesome concept. Can’t wait to read more!

Thank you! But patience you must have my young padawan …

@DC-Lover said:
W.B Yeats and James Joyce not asked? Haha

Yeah, well – since there were “just” a few thousand people mutated in total (out of 1.6 billion on the whole planet around 1900) not every celebrity had the luck to get superpowers …

In all serouisness Great idea there man. Very interesting

THX. I got many ideas – sadly they don’t always fit together as I’d like. But I think it’s a good start.

@Herr D said:
Very good work. Human faces are HARD. And you recreated several of them quite closely.

Thanks! I tried my best to come as close as possible.

@JR19759 said:
I can see there being some definite unease amongst that team, what with having Tesla and Edison on board.

A little rivalry doesn’t hurt. At least they’ll always be good for a little bet – as long as Edison honors it.

Lets just hope they don’t let Edison near any Elephants.

Oh my God! They killed Topsy! – You bastards!

Love the concept.

Cheers! But it’s just a little part of the whole concept that I’m still working on. Not so easy to accommodate a number of different ideas but I feel confident to get it done one of these days.