Re: JR’s Characters

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery JR’s Characters Re: JR’s Characters



@Weilyn said:

Very cool! Love the retro feel!

May I ask how you work with so many characters? I tried it once, but went insane.

What I do is I make all of the characters and the background separately and save the text, then I put them all back together in a new creation, moving each of the individual items. But If that seems to time consuming, or if I’m working on bits with lots of shading/ there are bits that go off the edge of the screen and aren’t exported, I might export each of the individual parts and put them back together in an external application. It saves a lot of time and you can see how the whole picture fits together and make adjustments without having to go to the widescreen view and then clicking All Items and shuffling the image over until you find the bit you want to change. Hope that helps.