Re: Introduce Yourself!

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Hi All, I’m new to the boards but have been using HM since the grand old days of version 1. I finally got around to setting up an account and putting up some of my creations (I have tons of them on my computer). I have never been one to get flashy with my creations, I find HM a quick way to create pics and counters for my characters. Not that my nickname is unique in any way but some of you may recognize it (and me) from the Hero System boards. I’ve been playing Champions, and other Hero genres since I was in Jr. High (and believe me, that was a LONG time ago). I wrote for Haymaker (a Hero System APA) for quite a while and even have some credits in some Hero System publications. Writing, art and what not are hobbies that I have carried over from childhood. I make my living as an IT manager for a wireless company. I am old enough to be the father of many of you but not so old that I care.

Having browsed through some of the Art Gallery sites I can tell you that I am WAY outta my league and will probably never be able to take my designs to the level of some of yours. It is great just to throw my stuff out there and see what you all think. I will be trying my hand at some of the contests as time allows but don’t expect to be winning anything. If you find yourself running around the boards and are inclined to do so, stop by Deadman’s Tomb and see what I have posted. If you do, please leave a comment, critique or just say hey. I really like the feedback.

I have a couple of questions that perhaps one of you can help me with.
– How do I create an Avatar for the boards? How ’bout a quote/signature?
– I know there is a ton of new content on HM, who is capable of drawing/uploading new content? (There are a bunch of things that I would love to see added. Some of which exists in Jeff’s other creators. Essentially, who do I really need to be nice to?)

Thanks all, I look forward to chatting with you.
