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Herr D
Thank you–I am relieved to report no one has besieged me with reasons that panel is impossible. I guess mentioning most of them myself first did it.
I submitted this panel for the pop quiz on being funny. It was a finalist, but it could only have beat out visual puns and physics references if the judge was a lot more into rpg mechanics.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think I’d mind if, in REAL life, I could solve all problems so easily–even if it was sort of like the good guys could cheat. I’ve seen too much of the real world to believe that justice or fairness is well-distributed. I can see why it would be tempting to believe in trial by challenge. Anyone who was more in the right could automatically win? If I had to go delusional, I might pick that one. Then I could keep my head in the sand till it was time to be cured, and believe all was actually right with the world. At least I’d be one of the serene, sedate, and sedentary psychotics.