Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #3: Ms. Manga

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #3: Ms. Manga Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #3: Ms. Manga



Allrighty, I won’t have time to get to my feedback for everybody today, but I will announce the winners….

First of all, I loved seeing all the different takes on Ms. Manga. Awesome work everybody!

Moognation takes the win! This one hit me hard. Very Manga and very Sexy Cute. Choose a Custom Item and it shall be made! (see dblade rules at the beginning of the thread. I’m kind of Hebert Lite when it comes to prizes.) If you could send me the text file for your Ms. Manga I would much appreciate it. I want to put all the winners together in a Femme Fattalion group shot once the contest is over.

Harlequin wins the Amelia Appreciation Award! She told me her top three and yours was her favorite. Choose a Custom Item and it shall be made!

Consolation Prizes go to…
djuby and headlessgeneral. Awesome work as usual. Choose a Face item (Eyes, Nose, Mouth, or Eyebrows) and it shall be made!

Everyone else that is on the track towards a Mask item start thinking about what you want because we are almost done.