Reply To: Lull-carae's works – Place where criticism is welcome

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Lull-carae's works – Place where criticism is welcome Reply To: Lull-carae's works – Place where criticism is welcome


Herr D

Um . . . I WOULD like to have heard Mozart try to compose like Billy Joel.  But only once. The rest of the time I’d want him cranking out his own stuff.


–But yeah, I don’t comment here often because I’m not good at building confidence in others, which is the only thing you’ve seemed short on. Speaking as another unique voice here, I occasionally wish I had more time to give more of my ideas a try. (I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum from you, apparently; my ideas will always be better than my execution, and my idea backlog will probably just keep growing. Nothing for it but to soldier on.)