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Herr D

“Mr. Hassan? Yes, this is Judy from the clerk’s desk. We spoke earlier about your St. Bernard’s stolen collar? It WAS ‘Gustave,’ wasn’t it? Yes. . . . I have good news! An exotic lizard brought it in with a note on the back of the collar. The note said that the lizard’s owner found it and wants one for his lizard. –What? No. The man didn’t come in. He must be a great animal trainer even though he can’t spell. I accepted the collar on your behalf, so you can pick it up later. It’ll be right here at the desk!

No–I’ve never heard of a trained lizard either. But I don’t know anything about exotic species. I sent him back out to wherever his owner was parked with a note directing him to apply to the proper authority. They’re in the downtown location, you know. Have a nice day!”

*The bracket made a great head, two sheaths made most of Gustave’s leash, and about thirty spoons are worked into the lizard’s crest.