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going back to January

very kewl. Love shadow demon shawl, the claw around the energy ball. And as a mother in law, she looks young and pretty. Must be all that plastic surgery. LOL 😀

Super hero Nug. What isn’t to love about that suit. Well done on the face too. The tech used on the costume, the color (I’m a sucker for green apparently) the glows, the smoke, are all so awesome.

Scarlet and Grace
Just great. kewl faces, wonderful costumes, great poses.
I am curious, did you consult them on the powers? What did they think of the finished results?

I mentioned in the CDC how much I love him. So well done and nice and friendly. Loved the use of Juggernaught’s helmet. Was so sad he didn’t win. 🙁

Dragon Egg
I also commented on CDC on this one. At first I didn’t get what everyone was on about. Then I mazimized it and looked with my magnifying glass and saw all the things I missed that others didn’t. The hex pattern, the dragon face details. It definately deserved then win. Great job.

You may have seen before my high school mascot was the Yellowjackets. So I can’t help but love this guy. And he is SO well done, and not a standard pose. And a great costume. You excelled.
And yes he would make a great villian for Super Mom

Frog King
I did a bullywug WAY back in the day. But Frog King RULZ!
I also have the haiku penname kawazu which means “frog”
So needless to say I love all four of the frog pics.
They are very well done. Great use and camoflauge of the hippo head. I’m still trying to figure it out.

Ya know ya really need to name/label your peices more clearly. Wasn’t sure of Fireworks is the character name or not. 😀
But she is alsorts ot amazing. If it doesn’t win, she’s damn sure in the poll at very least. (I try not to say anyone is gonna win, seems to be a curse. Ask BOB)
The hair is just amazing. As is the costume, and the textures. You can almost feel what is skin, metal and what is fabric.

All in all, my biggest complaint. Not many posts here in the year. You need to do more of this amazing art.

(Yes I realize “Life Happens”)