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So…it’s been two months this time. Mostly because I couldn’t get a concept I liked that matched what was in my head. I wanted a look that was somewhere between the evil queen from Snow White and the sea witch from The Little Mermaid, but without it just being a photoshop of the queen’s body on a set of tentacles. I wanted something regal and evil, but also a technologically advanced warrior-queen type. So I ultimately went with the following design for Locasta’s evil twin, Jocasta:
 photo Jocasta_zps6fpwdook.png
Name: Jocasta
Race: Atlantean/Hybrid
Birthplace: Atlantis
Powers/Abilities: Bilingual (Sonar/Atlantean), High lung capacity, High tolerance of pressure changes, Advanced technical aptitude, Skilled swimmer and warrior, Acting Atlantean royal, Can transform into giant squid using a metamorphic gauntlet, Suffers from squd-like physical deformities (tentacled left hand, night vision in left eye, scaly nodules on her face).
Bio: Jocasta is the twin sister of former Atlantean queen Locasta Norgood, and became queen when Locasta abdicated her throne for civilian life on the surface. Unlike her sister, Jocasta was more interested in war than diplomacy, and so approved the Gauntlet program (headed by Atlantis’ top paleobiologist, Dr. Icthya Moso) as a potential weapon and recon tool against the surface world. But complications with the Gauntlet technology led to hybridized mutations in most of the test subjects, whose families began to incite revolution among the rest of the Atlantean people. Fearing she would lose her throne to her sister (or her half-blood niece–shudder), Jocasta hired a surface world assassin to eliminate them.
No one would dare voice their suspicions as to Jocasta’s involvement in the assassination, and all talk of revolution quickly subsided thereafter.
Work on improvement of the Gauntlet technology continued, and despite their physical deformities and inevitable mental deterioration, Jocasta still saw some strategic value in having a secret army of paleomarine hybrids at her disposal. She personally saw to the construction and maintenance of a “disposal facility” (and the subsequent elimination of all untrustworthy personnel) where mutated test subjects were held in cryogenic stasis, unbeknownst to Dr. Moso.
Jocasta also illegally acquired her own Gauntlet, which bound her DNA to that of a giant squid. The Gauntlet, as it turned out, was an early model prone to malfunction, and almost immediately inflicted Jocasta with the physical deformities mentioned and depicted above. Unable to hide the consequences of her illegal activity (or her increasing insanity), Jocasta decided to pull the trigger on her secret army and raze Atlantis to the ground.
The Forgotten City remained standing, but Jocasta and her hybrid followers escaped into the deep, where she encountered a powerful Beast with promises of curing her mutation.
Note: If you recall any details of my old thread, this character bio not only ties into the ongoing Wiccan war (as it relates to the feud between Linda Norgood and Theodora Kindle), but it also provides more backstory on Icthya’s mission to hunt down the escaped hybrids and briefly hints at the hybrids’ impending involvement in the Plague event.
Perhaps I’ll get back to the Elemental Witches next. I’ve had a re-work of Lady Luck sitting on the burner for awhile now.