Category Archives: Recipes

Hammerknight Recipe 3: Sit on it

(Hammerknight has once again been kind enough with his time and talent to put together a stellar set of "recipes" or instructions for how to do some pretty neat tricks with the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. With no further ado, I'll turn it on over to him! -- Jeff)

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Hammerknight Recipes 2: Facing the music

I'm happy to post the following "recipes" about constructing faces from Hammerknight, whom you probably recognize from his many inspired contest entries. Thanks for putting this together, Hammerknight! -- Jeff

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Hammerknight’s Recipes, Vol. 1

(Hi everyone! Damien here. Hammerknight is going to be doing a bit of this from now on, and this is his first post! These are some of the how-to's he's been posting on the forums, and he'll be joining me on my Saturday post this week also. After that, you'll be seeing brand-new stuff, and like me, he's always ready to do requests. So give HK a big warm welcome! Continue reading