Category Archives: Daily Random Panel

The best response in any crisis

(From "Cat-Man Comics" volume 2, number 5, 1941.)

Fists are American poison?

(From "Cat-Man Comics" volume 2, number 5, 1941.)

The Secret Origins of Names

Meals are a lot less fun when you can communicate with them telepathically

In retrospect, "Cosplayers Anonymous" was a bad idea

(From "Cat-Man Comics" volume 2, number 5, 1941.)

Worst. Origin. Ever.

(From "Cat-Man Comics" volume 2, number 5, 1941.)

Not a good time for insults, Bob.

(From "Cat-Man Comics" number 2, 1942.)

I had a hunch he'd say that.

(Hunch, Igor, see what I did there?! Apparently I've been thinking about "Young Frankenstein" in light of Frankenstorm too much. From "Cat-Man Comics" number 2, 1942.)

Clearly super observation skills are not his forte´

(From "Cat-Man Comics" number 2, 1942.)

And wear a stewardess uniform! Something pretty.

(From "Cat-Man Comics" number 2, 1942.)