Caption Contest 28: Pop pop pop that big ol' zit

Put on your Funny Hats, folks, because it's time once again for the HeroMachine "Win A Free Custom Illustration" Caption Contest! Your challenge for this week is to come up with the best, funniest dialog for this panel:


If you do, you'll win your very own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like (within reason) by professional artist Jeff Hebert! OK, that's me, but it sounds better if I refer to myself in the third person. The rules are:

  1. No more than three entries per person;
  2. Keep it clean, something that would get past the censors for a broadcast TV sitcom for instance only, you know, actually funny;
  3. Make your entry in the comments to this post.

That's it! Oh, since there are two dialog balloons in this one, be sure to indicate which line goes with which, like so:

Big Guy: I will love him and pet him and I will call him George!
Pimple Guy: Why did we let Steinbeck write a comic book?!

Now get busy with the funny!