Blazing Blue Universe

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  • #1931


    Blue Blazer said:

    Oh my God, is there no “upload” option for pics?

    What Browser are you using BB? This forum’s tool bar doesn’t play nice with Internet Explorer.  If you are not using IE, HammerKnight posted a tutoral on how to post pics here:




    Blue Blazer

    Thank you Kaldath, and Hammerknight, for preserving my sanity and my mouse-clicking finger. That should make things go much smoother.


    Blue Blazer

    Hmmm, it doesn't seem to want to add them to the folder. What gives?



    Blue Blazer said:

    Hmmm, it doesn't seem to want to add them to the folder. What gives?

    Unfortunately you will need to upload them one at a time, and after one or two pictures have been uploaded either wait a short period of time to upload the next one, or choose a different folder to upload to.  I think I need to research this problem a bit and then talk to Jeff about it see if we can fix it.  My personal recommendation is if you plan on posting a lot of pictures in a single session to upload them to photobucket or other photo sharing site, then just put the direct link to the picture in the URL box of the uploader here. That will be quicker as you can mass upload all your pictures to photobucket.  That's basically what I am doing. Any picture that I am not planning to tweak and upgrade in the near future is being posted here from my photobucket. The ones I am working on are being uploaded here one at a time when they are finished.  


    Blue Blazer

    All right, Photobucket it is. And away we go…


    Blue Blazer

    Name: Aaron Kruger

    Genre: Supervillain

    Powers/Special Skills: body part substitution; rapid healing

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: ultranium sword

    Affiliations: none

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: at large


    This dastardly villain has the power of body part substitution. Wielding his ultranium sword, Aaron spends his time severing various body parts from superhumans and attaching them to his body, which immediately accepts them (provided they are completely organic) and is able to use their powers. He keeps his own body parts and hundreds he has collected in a secret cryogenic chamber, so he can pick and choose which he wants to use. Pictured here, Aaron is sporting the explosive left eye of the Visionary, the super-sensitive ears of Nightbat, the super-strong right arm of Tytan, the stretchy left arm of Gum Boy, and the swift legs of the Bronze Blur. In almost every case, he kills his victims.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Abattoir

    Real Name: Charles Murray

    Genre: Serial Killer

    Powers/Special Skills: expert hand-to-hand combatant

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: bladed weapons

    Affiliations: none

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: at large


    Charles was a menial worker at a large-scale slaughterhouse just outside Crystal City on the west coast. His already somewhat unstable mind was warped much further with the day-after-day witnessing of thousands of cows being killed in front of him. The sight of blood and carnage slowly began to excite him in ways that at first frightened him, but eventually delighted him. Before long, he began attacking stray animals with a kitchen knife in his free time. Soon, however, that became insufficient for sating his undeniable urge for gore, and he moved on to killing the bums and junkies who littered the streets near his small apartment. But Charles’s real desires lay in the hunt, and the derelicts of Crystal City’s alleys and gutters just didn’t put up enough of a fight. Soon Charles was targeting healthier, more mobile prey, and his bloody escapades quickly caught the eye of the police and, in turn, the media, who ironically dubbed him the “Abattoir Killer” for the messy, horrifying way he flayed open his victims. Charles created a blade-ridden costume, reveling in the attention his murders were getting, and has been killing ever since…




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: AB-E

    Real Name: Abigail Shelley

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: none

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: giant robotic body with state-of-the-art weaponry

    Affiliations: Dr. Victor Shelley

    Other Aliases: none


    The daughter of a brilliant robotics developer, six-year-old Abbie had to go with her father to his lab one day when she developed a cold and couldn’t go to school. Ever-curious and unerringly mischievous, Abbie found her way into every dangerous contraption she could gain access to, and she was involved in a horrific explosion, one that left her body broken and dying. In a fit of panic, Dr. Shelley gently put Abbie into his latest development, a heavily armed defense robot commissioned by the U.S. government, called the Auto/Bio Suit, version Echo (AB-E). Dr. Shelley was able to save his daughter by routing the robotics’ wires into Abbie’s body, keeping her heart and brain active. However, Abbie can now no longer live apart from her new giant steel body. Imagine a spoiled little girl at the helm of the most advanced individual weapons system on the planet. She gives a whole new meaning to the word “tantrum”. Although she is as prone to the usual personality quirks as any young child, Abigail is more than happy to lend a hand to any who ask her help in defending the world. Especially if it means she can tear something up.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Absalom
    Real Name: Robert King
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: technologically advanced battle armor
    Affiliations: David King, KingTech
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: stasis
    Robert is the only child of billionaire weapons magnate David King. Robert spent his entire life enjoying his father’s money and waiting for the old man to either retire or die so he could step into his considerable shoes and run KingTech, David’s research and development company. But instead of being an active part of the company, Robert used his extravagant allowance to drink, pick up women, gamble, and basically refuse to grow up.

    The day finally came when David announced that he had chosen his successor as owner and CEO of KingTech. It was his vice president, Henry Kilpatrick. Shocked and furious that he had been overlooked for someone outside of the King family, Robert immediately voiced his objection, but his always stern father rebuked him, scolding him for a life of laziness.

    So, Robert decided that he would seek vengeance on both his father and Kilpatrick, and force his way into power. He convinced several of his friends in the company to design and create a robotic battle suit for him and began going by the name Absalom, for the Biblical character, and started the first of many attempts to murder David and Kilpatrick. But old man King would not have it and, though it broke his already weak heart to do so, he employed the super-mercenary Doomsayer to track and murder his son.

    He was successful, to an extent. In truth, David King had merely planned to incapacitate his son and fake Robert’s death. He had instructed Doomsayer to bring Robert to the brink of death, at which point David had his son placed into a cryogenic chamber and kept alive but unconscious until such a time as David could figure out what to do with him.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Absolute Zero
    Real Name: Reginald Ferris
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: cryogenesis
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Stormwatchers
    Other Aliases: Blizzard
    Status: at large
    Reginald was at one time just a supervillain, going by the alias Absolute Zero. But when he and his fellow Stormwatchers came up with the idea to pose as heroes, Reggie was on board, and so he created the identity of Blizzard. As faux heroes, the team creates disasters and then pretends to swoop in and save the day. This has helped to keep their alter egos from being apprehended by the police. Reginald can freeze any moisture with which he comes in contact, including the humidity in the air. This allows him to freeze people and objects solid, create weaponry and shielding, and even make ramps of ice over which he can slide across town.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Absorbing Man
    Real Name: Oswald Proctor
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: absorption of other individuals, taking on aspects of their appearance, additional strength, and in the case of other supers, their powers
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Oswald led a life full of dejection and heartbreak. He grew up in an orphanage for the first 7 years of his life, believing that his parents had been killed in an automobile accident shortly after his birth. But he found out that they had simply tired of having a child and had left him on the doorsteps of the orphanage. He began to question the orphanage workers, begging to know why his family had deserted him when he had needed them the most. None knew, and Oswald began to feel the first pangs of vengeance itching at his heart.
    As a teenager he was quiet and timid and often the subject of cruel ridicule by his peers. He spent prom night crying in his bedroom, having been unable to find a single girl willing to be his date. But he excelled in academics, got into a good school, and in his early twenties secured a successful job as an orthodontist. It was in this job that he met his future wife, a woman who did nothing but take advantage of his rising wealth. Even before they were married, Oswald knew she could never be faithful to him, and he was right. But instead of doing anything about it, he let her do what she would, clinging to the idea that when they were old, she would calm down and love him. So she filed for divorce instead and took half of his wealth. He never saw her again. he became deeply depressed and his work suffered so much that he was soon fired.
    Lacking all motivation to rebuild his life, Oswald stayed at home for months at a time. It was not until his landlord showed up one day to complain about the smell from his neglected apartment. In anger he grabbed Oswald’s wrist and it was only then that the mutant power asserted itself. The landlord began to melt into Oswald’s skin, until his entire body had become assimilated into Oswald. Instead of being afraid, Oswald suddenly felt invigorated, powerful, stronger than he ever had.
    After weeks of scouring alleyways and absorbing homeless, Oswald began to feel ready to exact his revenge on a world that would not accept him. He began a devious rampage of murder and villainy, calling himself the Absorbing Man. When he was confronted by the superhuman team the Defenders, he was able to absorb River AND her ability to control the movement of water. His costume even took on some of the attributes of hers. But it was soon realized, when Megavolt shocked him with a wave of electricity, that the effects could be reversed. River was restored to her normal self. The Absorbing Man was taken into custody and placed into a specialized cell surrounded by a light charge. He as held there until a breakout was conducted by the Crimson Cabal.




    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Ace High
    Real Name: James Peterson
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: able to grow up to 70 ft. tall
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Casino of Crime
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    James was a basketball player for Caligo University when he was injured during a game. His head received a sharp blow and he was knocked unconscious for a few hours. He was rushed to the hospital for a CAT scan to determine the extent of the damage to his brain. But during the scan, a power surge caused him to be pelted with high powered energy, deviating his pituitary gland. He immediately began to grow rapidly until he had smashed out of the CAT scan, the room, and finally the hospital. When he had finished growing hie was a hulking 70 ft. tall and proportionally as strong and resistant to damage.
    And was subdued from his panic, and kept at the hospital for testing. Nothing could explain the bizarre change that had occurred in James. Because he was kept in the hospital, he couldn’t play basketball, his scholarship was dropped. His future now in tatters, James escaped from the hospital (easily) and disappeared into the underworld of Caligo. He resurfaced as a member of the Casino of Crime, a casino-themed group of super criminals led by Madam Roulette.





    Great characters.


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Acid

    Real Name: Mick Eckhart

    Genre: Supervillain

    Powers/Special Skills: able to make highly acidic rain fall onto a concentrated spot

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Stormwatchers

    Other Aliases: Toxik

    Status: at large


    Along with his fellow Stormwatchers, Mick’s true identity is that of a supervillain. But they as a group have also adopted the personae of superheroes in an attempt to fool would-be thwarters. Though his villain name is Toxik, Mick goes by the alias Acid when playing the part of a hero. He can cause as much or as little destructive acid rain to fall onto a location of his choosing. Mick has a rather volatile personality, even by supervillain standards. He is wildly against the leader of the Stormwatchers, Monsoon, carrying on a romantic relationship with superheroine Vagary.





    Cool stuff Cool

    Love the bios Smile

    My favorite is the Absorbing Man. I like how you've shown his powers in action. Cool

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