Currently reading

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    Currently reading the Third Sandman Slim novel, 'Aloha from Hell'  Good read.


    Okay, just testing, kicking the tires so to speak 🙂



    Currently reading We, the inspiration for 1984 and A Brave New World. It is good so far.



    Currently reading “The Ships of Air” by Martha Wells. It's a sort of steampunk-flavored fantasy series. I enjoyed the first book but for some reason I'm having a hard time getting into the second one.


    My backup on the Kindle is “Lord of the Rings”, ready for my yearly re-read.



    Currently reading George Mann's “The Affinity Bridge.”  Although, I'm finding it hard to find time to read, because I'm spending too much time on the computer.

    It's Steampunk, and also has zombie-like beings in it for some reason.  I'm not far enough into it to figure out what's going on yet.



    I just wasn't able to get into the Steam-punk books.  I tried a couple, but it just didn't catch with me.


    Lol, I've been reading Sci-fi/fantasy forover 30 years, and I've never read Lord of the rings :|   But, I do own a set, including the Simrillion (sp?) and I plan on reading them this year.


    the creator

    the fall of the roman Empire, history has always been a passion of mine

    maybe o should re read the lord of the rings,  read it when i was 17 and found i rather confusing at the time



    Amazing series, the Inheritance Cycle, by Christopher Paolini, which i just finished. it's in a LOTR type world.



    Finished We, it was good and I'd recommend it. Just started on Doctor Faustus by Marlowe.



    The Inheritance series starts off with Eragon, correct?  With four books?  I've seen the movie and a couple of my kids have read the books and like them.  I liked the movie, but was concerned that the books were more written towards a teen audience, and I have a hard time reading those types of books.  Is that the case?


    Finished Aloha from Hell – great ending.   Now I'm on to a random book I found at the library; The Wolf Age.  Okay so far.  Nothing spectacular at one hundred pages, but it is interesting.



    Isia has read the first two books in the Eragon series and she loved them. She said that it is for people that likes fantasy and is not only written towards teens. She said that the book had a lot more to it then the movie did. i liked the movie and wish that they would make the other books into movies also.



    Okay then, I'll add them to my reading list.


    Yeah, I'd have liked to have seen more movies too, but Eragon just didn't have the numbers the studio was looking for.  I was hoping one of the other studios would have picked it up, but no such luck.



    Read LOTR and the Inheritance Cycle, loved them both. Would definitely recommend them.

    Currently I'm reading “The Word for World is Forest” by Ursula LeGuin. It's a sci-fi book with a similar concept to Avatar, but without the (seemingly compulsory for blockbuster films!) love story.

    I tend to read either fantasy or sci-fi, but I will occasionally read something else when the mood strikes me. Btw, I count urban fantasy, vampires and werewolves as fantasy.




    “Btw, I count urban fantasy, vampires and werewolves as fantasy.”


    As do I.


    Dresden files are right there at the top of my list for Urban Fantasy.



    Kaylin88100 said:

    Btw, I count urban fantasy, vampires and werewolves as fantasy.

    I have always counted vampires and werewolves as fantasy. I  never heard of Urban Fantasy, that is a new one for me. Vampires and werewolves also fit into Folklore and Legends, which are good reads too.



    Urban fantasy might better be described as 'contemporary fantasy' -  fantasy stories that take place in the modern world.  As mentioned My favorite by far is the Dresden Series by Jim Butcher.  Storm Front is the first in the series.  Up to 12 so far, and he plans on around 20.

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