Re: Zephyr


Herr D

Continuing with Chapter 3: Headline Deadline

“You’re talking about consistency,” muttered Tia. Ouch. Even the bimbo gets it. Where does that leave you, Davy-boy?
“I am.”
“Hey–yeah,” said Nathan. So now even YOU know it’s safe to agree with me, Nate? “There are other words for–you know, occult stuff. What’s a wraith?”
“Brandon Lee!” blurted out Shelley, “You know–his part in ‘The Crow.’ That was a wraith. My ex-boyfriend did a term paper on that.”
A what?
“I thought the crow just brought back a soul.” OMG Tia! Even Po smiled.
“Soul have weight? Can lift gun and wear makeup?” said Po. Well put, actually.
“Oh.” Tia began smiling too. David, however, was fuming.
“So you’d bet anyone would actually CARE what we call it. That we should google it till we get the technically correct name?”
Jennifer smiled widely. “I’m not done betting yet. Google is a good plan, but people care about accuracy less than they do a LOT of other things. I bet an in-kind lunch that this lunchroom can come up with THREE names that your uncle will like better. Before one-o’clock.”
“What” said David, “is an ‘in-kind’ lunch?’
I may have made that up?
“Well, you know I’m not unethical enough to bet what I can’t pay. So I bet that without leaving this lunchroom, anyone who eats lunch here today that comes up with two names that no one else does gets lunch. A sub from the deli if three names aren’t liked better by Mr. Crowe. Lunch from wherever you eat if he does.”
David frowned. “I may make more than you, but that’s a bit much. One appetizer or dessert per person.”
“It would be a hardship for me to pay for subs for NINE. An appetizer or a dessert from Cafe R.D.E. goes for what–fifty cents more?”
David frowned deeper. He picked up Jennifer’s bag and looked at the receipt stapled to the side. He raised his eyebrows. He handed her back the bag. “I’m not unethical enough to bet what I don’t have either. I could do lunches on Monday.” Yeah, right. You’re a saint.
Nguyen spoke up. “I’m not here on Monday, and I don’t like subs. What about sodas and chips from the deli against appetizers or desserts from the cafe?”
“Fine.” Jennifer smoothed the bag out, pulled a pen out, and began the list right on the bag.

[Continued next block]