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While I have been busy with exams and essays I have had a few ideas for new stories to do in my spare time. Now one that kept on my mind was a story based on the world of the Video game Fallout. It would be just some ideas of things i think are happening in the post war wasteland and a character that i came up with a long time ago.
It would center around a characters journey throughout the wastelands and be written in a mixture of narrative and Journal form similar so he would be narrating his travels but he may not be in the same place as he was in the last update(Of course this is just the first few ideas)
What he would run into would be:
1. A new Form of KKK that hunTs down ghouls instead of Afrcan Americans. Lets face it racism will be around for a long time and its already touched upon in the game. You always meet people in the game that show some form of hatred towards ghouls, so there has to be a radical group in the Wasteland somewhere that hates ghouls as much as the NCR hate the Legion
2. A Cult led by a man who calls himself the Savior . Something that appears to be even more frequent in these games is the topic of religion or a cult, so why hasnt anyone taken it one step further and made a cult of some kind. Considering the mentality of people and how they would love something to follow it is an interesting topic to discuss in the fallout universe.
3. Mexican Cartel still running and the Border Patrol. A while ago i was playing a mod on New Vegas that featured ghoulified soldiers from Area 51. Upon closer inspection of the backstory of the mod I found that the soldiers were attacking me out of their sense of duty to protect the base. So then the idea of the border patrol came to me. Imagine Ghoulified individuals leading a bunch of people to stop or kill individuals coming over the border. As for the Cartel I doubt being ghoulified or a nuclear fallout would stop them from running Jet or Psycho or perhaps a new drug across the border
4. NYC, Chicago, and Texas. These are random but interesting cities that would have been affect by the Nuclear fallout.
Some other ideas are floating about but not really expanded upon. I would really like some feedback if you could give it and if you have any thoughts or questions say so. For the record this may not even be written Unless im sure its a good idea.