Re: Want Ads

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@Dionne Jinn said:

I’m trying to figure out how to get the text file uploaded, so others can use it, too. But it doesn’t want to work for me right now…

Ok, there are two methods. The first would be to upload the file like you would a picture. After you do this it will look like it had not uploaded but it has ( unless the file is too big which is should tell you that ) What you need to do next is click the View Existing File Uploads button. It will open a menu with folders named for the year in which you uploaded the file 12 should be the only one there right now. Click on the text for that folder and it will open a menu of folders with each month in that year that you have uploaded files by the number of the month Decemeber of course being 12. Click on the files text and your upload should be there. Click on the file once and it will insert a link to the file in your post.

The Second method would be to click the code button in the tool bar at the top text field past your test string in, and click the code button again. If you use this method I would suggest putting it all inside spoiler tags