Re: Qwerty’s ISF

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Baal was once a poor Turkish goat herder in the mountains near the border of Syria. No one knows his original name after his transformation. The event occured at night while he was tending his flock. Kurdish rebels were transporting weapons through the mountain pass, saw the herder, shot him in the head and dumped him into an old and hidden Akkadian temple thinking him dead. The bullet in his skull activated his GorWol trait of Pyrokinesis and it transformed him into a fiery minatour while at the same time giving him memory loss. Escaping the temple ruins, he quickly subdued the rebels, melted the weapons and saved some peasants who called him Ba’al (an ancient title meaning Lord). He survived for a few years up in the mountains acting as a protector to some mountain communities in exchange for food and secrecy but Beacon found him and brought him into the ISF under the name of Baal. He is currently on ISF Team ALPHA under Major Mercury’s command. Baal is a powerful Pyrokinetic. He biomorphs into a large fire based form where he gains increased strength (30 tons), resistance to attacks (almost invulnerable to fire and heat based attacks) and fire melee attacks.