Re: Qwerty’s ISF

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Johan Wisdjin was a successful farmer in Suriname near the Julianatop Mountain. One day while tending to his fields he stopped some Surinamese Maroons from attacking a local farmer over a debt. When the Maroons came back to extract their revenge Johan fought them and was shot. This is when his GorWol trait manifested and he bio-morphed into a large stone skinned creature. The locals dubbed him Caracarcol, an ancient Arawak deity, and Johan fled into the Juliantop Mountain area. He learned to control his transformation and he lived life as a hermit having little contact with the outside world. His story came to the attention of Beacon and Power Stryke was sent to recruit him. Johan found a place within the ISF often acting as the teams damage shield so that others could finish off the target. While the media used the Caracarcol name his ISF teammates just called him Johan. He is not a particularly good fighter due to the slow speed at which he moves but he is extremely durable and he is strong (30 ton range). During one fight against some members of the Dark Cabal, Johan had his left arm severed at the shoulder by Devilblade. Unable to revert back to human form for fear of permanently losing his left arm Johan stayed in his rock form. Over time his body began to grow a new left arm and it is currently past the elbow. However Johan has spent the last 3 years waiting for his arm to regrow and has become sullen and depressed due to his need to stay in the rock form. At present time Johan left the ISF to go back to Suriname and live life again as a recluse in the mountains until his arm is fully regrown. caracarcol.png