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Emilio Gomez won a much sought after and contested full ride scholarship to MIT from a scholastic humanitarian organization when he was a poor street kid in Mexico City. After enduring an investigation to determine if he somehow cheated due to his acing the science portion of the scholarship entry exam, Emilio was allowed to enroll in MIT. He left 5 years later with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. He was offered a research position at Lighthouse International (one of Beacons companies) were Emilio worked on technological advances such as laser emitters and particle accelerators. Deducing some of the items he worked on were later seen in the news as equipment the ISF were using Emilio approached Beacon and was allowed to work for the ISF. Not content with being just a lab rat, Emilio designed a combat suit and weapons to use as an ISF field operative and team member under the name Tekpro. While not a particularly effective combatant Emilio proved useful with on the spot engineering as he defused the Dark Cabals neutron bomb in the Arctic, rewired the life support systems at Mercy General Hospital during a Meta War battle in Nova Scotia, and fixed the Tokyo maglev system to save a train full of school kids. During the Las Vegas Battle in the Meta War Tekpro tried to stop Hooligan from fleeing and was beaten to death. His damaged face-kit is displayed in the ISF Hall of Heroes. His death resulted in ISF changing who to allow as field operatives. Tekpro was a techno-path, he could instantly understand how technological items worked and how to fix them.