Re: POP CULTURE RANTS: Be it comics, movies, animation, manga, anime, graphic or popular novels, if you got a beef, put it here!Just

Home Forums The Pub POP CULTURE RANTS: Be it comics, movies, animation, manga, anime, graphic or popular novels, if you got a beef, put it here!Just Re: POP CULTURE RANTS: Be it comics, movies, animation, manga, anime, graphic or popular novels, if you got a beef, put it here!Just



JR, you and Can’tDraw both raise excellent points, but call me a stickler, it just bugs the hell out of me that the main characters of both look so similar! And Can’tDraw, like you, it’s been a long time since I’ve read BoM, so I don’t want to really get any deeper in discussing the actual story in depth, at least not until I have a re-read. Thanks for the opinions, guys!