Re: My new Creations

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Funny thing with mutants; either they’re obviously different at birth or their mutation doesn’t show itself until around puberty. The latter was the case with Handy Wilson. Add to that the fact that he was born into slavery in the early part of the 19th Century on a South Carolina plantation and you have the makings for a very confused young life. Of course, no one knew anything of genetic mutations then. Maybe that was a good thing, seeing that slaves were considered property and not people. He couldn’t be exploited any further. His father, the biggest and strongest field hand on the plantation, was sold off shortly before Handy’s birth, and was killed trying to escape. If the Master had no problem separating a family expecting a newborn, no telling what he would have done to this special child if he knew the truth. As soon as his mother noticed Handy was “stronger ‘en any plow mule on the plantation,” she made sure to teach him not to “show up any o’ Massa’s sons.” She always had a feeling something was different about Handy. Even though he was born two months premature, he was “bigger ‘en any babe I evah helped birthed!” according to the midwife who attended his mother. All children would play and rough house on occasion, but Handy’s cuts and scrapes always seemed to heal faster than anyone else’s. When he was 10 his mother caught him outrunning the Master’s favorite Thoroughbred at full gallop. Fortunately no one else saw this, especially Master, who considered himself a sporting man, and would have no doubt run her baby to death. Funny thing with mutants; once they come into their own and discover their abilities, it’s hard for them to keep it secret, no matter how much they are warned otherwise. With the confidence of youth and the knowledge that he was the strongest man on the plantation, at age 18 Handy decided to run away and promised his Mother he would come back for her. Maybe I’ll come up with some more for this character. FREEMAN.png