Re: Linea24’s Astra Universe

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One edit on VR’s bio: Her real is Irena Vann, not Irena Nye. Whoops.

Name: Alexandra Nye
Aliases: Wisp
Age: 19
Alignment: Superhero
Associations: The Warders
Powers: Turn intangible, flight
Skills: Knows how to easily deflect questions

Alexandra was the unofficial popular girl in school, even though she didn’t want to be. She hated crowds and socializing. Even if she was with close friends, she never was one to speak. Unlike other atypicials, Alexandra never was really born with powers. It was only after a weird accident in the emergency room when she was getting an x-ray of her broken leg. The x-ray technician had collapsed and Alexandra still was getting an x-ray. The x-ray technician was revived some time later, but Alexandra still had too much radiation. Luckily for her, she was able to recover from her overdose of radiation. However, there was mutations that happened in her genes, which caused her to gain the ability of turning intangible and flight. Nowadays, Alexandra helps Grace manage the Warders while maintaining a relationship with Luke, another member of the Warders.