Re: JR’s Characters

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@Scatman said:

I’m not too familiar with the whole card thing but ,would it be images and value and if so that persons image?ect Also I know alot of really good machinists who don’t enter contests on a consistant basis.So I don’t know how that would factor in..I really don’t know…but if I can help in anyway let me know.

Here’s the current card base, so hopefully it’ll make things a bit clearer

I’m basically going around the forum and looking at peoples work and giving them a score out of 10 for the first three categories, although I’m still not sure about the third one, for the overall work on their thread. For example, dblade would score highly on the first category, because he always uses items in ways that no-one else ever has or will, where as I would only get a middling score because I mostly use items normally.

I know that a lot of good machinists don’t enter contests regularly, but that is the point. It stops there being any ‘God’ cards, that are unbeatable (although at the moment it looks like djuby and AMS may be heading that way).

If you want to help, can you make some suggestions as to some forum members who you think should be added and start thinking up some scores for the first three categories for people on the above list. PM me anything you come up with.

I’m adding Barbario, Iscarioto and Trekkie to the list, so I only need 8 more.

And thanks for the complement on Psychosis.