Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica



@headlessgeneral said:

Thank you, dblade, for awarding me the co-win. And congrats to djuby!

I know what you mean about the spikes. I threw them in at the last second(right over the plain braces, which I originally had) in an attempt to make her look more villainy. And, after submitting the entry, immediately wished I had left them off.

As for the text files, I tried to upload them but it says they are too big. Any suggestions?

I will send you my email in a private message and you can send me an email if you like.