Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #2: Gigantica



Djuby Entry #1: Djuby’s Gigantica #1 has a marvelous costume. It looks like Gigantica is trying to oversexualize her look probably to gain somebody’s attention. Gigantica’s face has a look of concern or worry that goes very much with her description. Overall it made me really reconsider how I viewed Gigantica.

Djuby Entry #2: Gigantica #2 goes even farther with the attention-getting costume, plus her general demeanor is much fiercer. I imagine this is what Gigantica would like to be like in her fantasies. I really like the look of this one even though it doesn’t quite fit the description of meek woman in love. If this was a comic book I could see this as the alternate costume that Gigantica wears when someone messes with her brain and causes her to go “bad”. Maybe a little over exposure to Neurotica’s powers perhaps.

JR19759: JR19759’s Gigantica has a small cute face on a very masculine body, which is a nice juxtaposition of looks. I’ll admit I would have liked to see a more curvaceous body in this costume, but I can see where JR19759 was going with his choice.

Kaldath: Kaldath’s entry made me smile. I hadn’t thought to incorporate the business aspect of Gigantica into her supers costume. Very creative.

Fishface13: fishface123’s Gigantica looks a litte scary with that mask but I like the general look of her costume. Reminds me of a wrestler.

Weilyn: Weilyn’s Gigantica made me giggle out loud. Definitely illustrates the drawback of growing powers. Very cute.

Vampyrist: Vampyrist’s Gigantica looks a little more conservative and definitely falls into the mousy side of the character’s personality. I imagine this is the kind of costume Gigantica started out with until she decided to make it more sexy to gain Madame Malevolent’s attention.

Headlessgeneral: Headlessgeneral’s Gigantica is probably the closest to what I originally had in mind for Gigantica. Her costume is stylish but not overdone, and the belt scarf is a nice touch of playfulness. I have mixed feelings about the spikes though, but it doesn’t detract from the overall look.

CKnap: CKnap’s Gigantica would make a great companion to his Neurotica. They look like they belong in the same super spy group.

Herr D: I appreciate Herr D getting creative with the environment for Gigantica. I like the look on her face. She looks like a little girl who just got into trouble.

Harlequin: Harlequin’s Gigantica is very sexy and smart looking (yeah glasses will do that) and I imagine this is what she looks like in her business attire. I really like how Harlequin executed the car holding in this piece.

Barbario: HAH! This is great. Now if I could only get the camera to go wide.

Hmmm….I choose…..headlessgeneral AND djuby (both versions) as the winners!

I really couldn’t decide which was my favorite because they all work well for different reasons. If I’ve learned anything about myself with this contest is that I’m a lame judge who won’t commit to just one winner. My weakness is your gain though. Both of you can choose a Custom Item (see above for rules)!

CONGRATULATIONS! And thanks for everybody who entered. If you entered the Neurotica contest you are one step closer to your very own Custom Mask Item. If you feel confident that you will complete the Femme Fattalion challenge, feel free to post your request here or in my custom item thread:

Note to Winners: Would it be possible to send me the text files for these and the previous Neurotica entries?