Re: Color my Bad Guy

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges Color my Bad Guy Re: Color my Bad Guy



Well, it’s been a week. Great stuff from all three entries…not sure how to pick a winner here.

@ NOBODY- Very creative idea taking the Baby Face gangster and giving him baby blue armor.

@ NHA- I liked this version a lot, very well executed. Comes off a little Mr. Freeze, but sometimes the classic archetypes are the best.

@ Scatman – When I designed the character I never saw purple, but I love what you did here. Strikes me a little Jack Kirby-esque.

So, the time has come to choose the winner. After weighing all the options, it was a very close competition. The envelope please…and the winner is….NHA247!!!! Congratulations sir, and thank you to all who participated. As for your prize, post a picture of any character you would like to see get the LiveWyre treatment!!!