Re: Blazing Blue Universe

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Blue Blazer

Alias: Aguila

Real Name: Vincente Juarez

Genre: Superhero

Powers/Special Skills: communication with the Aztec god Tonatiuh

Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: the winged battle armor of Tonatiuh

Affiliations: Aztec pantheon

Other Aliases: none

Status: active


Until the day that changed his life forever, Vincente assumed he was just another face in the crowd. He was a Mexican immigrant living in the city of Rosewood in southwest America, working day in and day out at a textile plant. But one night he was visited in his dreams by a regal figure clad in shining bird-shaped armor. This man explained that he was the Aztec warrior god Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh was a sun god associated with eagles, and had been in close contact with the ancient Aztec emperor Moctezuma II in the 16th century. Vincente, as the god explained, was the last living descendant of Moctezuma II, and was therefore also worthy of communication with Tonatiuh. When the old mythology of Mexico fell, its deities retreated into amulets, wherein their powers were stored until a champion could arise who would wield each one.


When Vincente awoke, he found that he was wearing one of these amulets. From then on, he could speak with Tonatiuh in his mind, and when faced with great danger, the amulet would unfold and form around him the armor of the warrior god, complete with steel wings. The armor also enables Vincente to fire blasts of solar energy from his hands and is itself nearly indestructible. Vincente now bears this armor, and the responsibility of using it to fight injustice wherever he may find it as the hero Aguila.
