Re: Blazing Blue Universe

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Blue Blazer

Alias: Darkfire
Real Name: Leonard Mills
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: pyrogenesis/kinesis, cryogenesis/kinesis, umbragenesis/kinesis, photogenesis/kinesis
Affiliations: none
Other Aliases: none
Status: active
The last thing I remember is leaving the gym after a rigorous excercise session. When I came to, I felt like my body had been removed, though I could see it laying on the flat white table when I craned my head up. I was strapped down, unable to move more than half an inch in any direction. I panicked, and the room caught fire. Seems like that last sentence should be in reverse. But no, the room caught fire because I panicked. You see, through a strange series of events, some of which are a mystery even to me, I was given a powerful gift. This gift endowed me with the ability to control heat, cold, darkness, and light, all with but a thought. I suppose that makes me pretty powerful. But I’ve always been a pretty simple guy. I have no desire to dominate or hurt anyone. In fact, I made myself a pretty spiffy costume and hit the streets to fight crime with my eerie talents. They come in quite handy.
