Re: Blazing Blue Universe

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Blue Blazer

Alias: Acid

Real Name: Mick Eckhart

Genre: Supervillain

Powers/Special Skills: able to make highly acidic rain fall onto a concentrated spot

Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

Affiliations: The Stormwatchers

Other Aliases: Toxik

Status: at large


Along with his fellow Stormwatchers, Mick’s true identity is that of a supervillain. But they as a group have also adopted the personae of superheroes in an attempt to fool would-be thwarters. Though his villain name is Toxik, Mick goes by the alias Acid when playing the part of a hero. He can cause as much or as little destructive acid rain to fall onto a location of his choosing. Mick has a rather volatile personality, even by supervillain standards. He is wildly against the leader of the Stormwatchers, Monsoon, carrying on a romantic relationship with superheroine Vagary.

